946/05/05 - Myrddin and the Child

Regrouping in the warehouse home in Arhus, the heroes of the realm, sometimes known as the Harmonious Seven, plan their next move: Ulrich Uli Grimscht Master Evoker, Stormcloak priest of Nuath and bearer of his mighty Spear, Count Smythe Bloodstone Master Elementalist, Jorgie Master Abjurer, Dray Drawknife Master Transmuter, Norn Drew Master Spiritualist, Koralon not quite Master Mentalist, Kimloa his stalwart companion, Gunthar Master Swordsman, and Morril the Exuberant. Recounting tales to some of the newer members of how the world should be and what they had accomplished to fix it, Ulrich is suddenly overcome by some sort of trance.

Midway through this trance, a golden wave of energy passes across the house. In its wake the members of the party feel healed and energized. Jorgie, sometimes known as Henry at this point, who had been afflicted with strange conditions rendering him with a corpse like pallor and weakened to the touch of wood looks whole and hale. A moment later, Ulrich wakens from his trance and carefully pulls out the Handkerchief of Cecht, which now is such a bright pure white that it almost glows. Stunned, Ulrich informs the party of what he had seen in his vision: That the Aspect Cecht was met by Gaal, Lord of Destruction, and rather than be slain by him, gave Her life in a final act of healing. And for the only instance in Her life, She was selective in Her healing. The mutilated followers of Her religion were healed while Her adversaries and allies of Gaal who had lain waste to Her Temple were blinded.

Quickly, the party ventured into Arhus into scenes of misery and hope. All over, worshippers and priests of Cecht were bereft of the healing powers that She had always granted. Yet, all the wounded soldiers and people of Arhus were fully recovered and healthy. All signs of disease and even the effects of famine and hardship were erased. Men and women who were thought unable to continue in the struggle for freedom due to battle wounds were now fully able to rejoin the fight. Though the party’s first concern was to inform the leaders of the Coalition of what has transpired, they soon learn that all the former priests of Cecht were similarly witness to the events that transpired at their High Temple in Bremer, the imperial province of Hemelsyn.

The implications of this stroke by the Daemoi Lords are far reaching. Though Cecht has bought a resurgence of hope and strength to the forces of good, the long term effects of her absence will be devastating. How can the armies prevail without Her Succor and healing? The other priests, as Stormcloak himself quickly tests, are still able to do their minor healings as always, but nothing greater can be done. Still, the party is mollified by the fact that even though the forces of good are now without major healing, so are the forces of evil. The playing field is level.

Unsure of how to proceed now, the party remains in Arhus for several more days, waiting for news on how the Revolt in Croy and the Coalition invasion of the Empire is progressing. Reports come in that the Coalition’s advance into Hemelsyn is successful. Even more disturbing, it seems that the whole population of the city of Bremer has abandoned its wreckage and are heading to Gwynyth Raius. Stormcloak is approached during this time by the former priests of Cecht resident in Arhus: they wish to give up their peace and learn to fight. Stormcloak agrees and sends them to Willem as part of the organization of his new Order of the Spear.

Then, the second part of the Daemoi’s plan is revealed. The party is caught by a subtle shift in the fabric of reality. Unnoticed by everyone except for the party, Emperor Felipe has used the Circlet of Images. Frightened, the party goes out among the populace of Arhus to find out what has changed. Very quickly they learn that the concern over the death of Cecht is almost all but gone. They learn that the "proper" God of Healing, Baal, has arisen from his slumber and along with his brother the harvester Gaal, has punished Cecht. Her crime; denying Her healing to the son of Gaal, who in this new version of mythic history, was not outrightly slain by the "evil" Nuath, but instead mortally wounded.

In this new world view, which everyone believes to be gospel as things have always been this way, the true healing god of Baal has always been there. Cecht has been nothing but a misled cult of few who teach false words of healing and succor to dupe the populace. She has her own agenda, and has been stopped by the righteous wrath of Gaal the Harvester for her Evil deeds.

Even the party admits that the Daemoi and Emperor Felipe have performed a masterstroke. The playing field is no longer level again, and has been tipped back towards Evil. The Imperial forces have a healing god now and worse, have turned the good name of Cecht to that of being rebels. And of course, where do these rebels lie but with Gwynyth Raius and the other free countries? Even more reason has been given to the residents of the Empire to think of the forces of Good to be the enemy. Worse, since Baal’s priests claim to be impartial true healers, they are even present in these heretic lands including Arhus itself. Spies for the empire, the party is certain.

Immediately, the party goes to the leaders of the Coalition and Arhus forces to inform them of the truth of things. That this Healer God is none other than Baaldazeron, Daemoi Lord of Suffering and Pain. That reality has been changed, and Cecht is the true Aspect of Healing. Naturally, the party is faced with the problem of changing something that has apparently always been so. The leaders are dubious and confused by what the party says. Fortunately, the party does have sufficient clout that their word carries significant weight. The leaders do not dismiss what the party says. Still, changing the inbred beliefs of the entire realm is not something the party can do. That alone seems to be something that only the Circlet of Images can do quickly. Any other method requires a complete revolution of thought.

Now, the party is again finally forced to answer this question: what are they going to do now? The Emperor seems completely unstoppable, and has clearly allied himself completely with the Daemoi. His resources are nearly limitless, and while the Croyan Revolt and the refreshed numbers of the Coalition Forces present hope towards conquering him, the chances are not good. The party is delayed a bit in this decision by Henry’s insistence that they travel south to get some "Help". When questioned about this, Henry seems cagey, and won’t be clear. Finally, he just up and goes himself when the party hesitates. Fortunately, he doesn’t go alone, and is accompanied by Smythe and Dray. They end up searching the area near Henry’s childhood home for some time, ultimately in vain. After returning, Henry reveals that he knows of powerful talismans hidden somewhere, but can’t remember where exactly. Why he knows of this, he only tells to Ulrich, and he does this so that Ulrich would use the handkerchief upon Henry to heal his memory. Ulrich finally agrees, and upon doing so, Henry is under a revelation. He is healed of a certain insanity which has afflicted him. He goes back to using the name Jorgie and drops this whole help thing. An option is eliminated of what to do next.

Another encounter with the past haunts the party as well. Entering the Golden Lion one day, they are shocked to discover Elmeirda there. The mysterious mage who kidnapped Pietor priest of Epolde, brother of Yaltan years ago. The woman who was linked with Brynmawr in some way. She had her mysterious rod at hand, and though somewhat surprised to see the party there smiled knowing that there wouldn’t be much confrontation here in the lawful city of Arhus. They even converse briefly and learn that she considers her earlier work to be nothing more than business, and is mystified that this doesn’t appease the party. She admits to be conducting business that can only be uniquely satisfied here in Arhus. The party can not hold back, and leaps to the attack, most with the intention of robbing her of her rod. But are unsucessful and she escapes.

The party learns that there is division in the Coalitions decision makers. This division is not old. King Calvin of Gwynyth Raius has always been concerned, and rightly so, about the threat Myrddin presents to the east. Though the Coalition formed after the breaking of the Siege of Arhus, and Myrddin was soundly beaten, the threat remains. But the rest of the Coalition comes from lands where the threat of the Empire of Deir es Mal is far more serious. And this threat of course is directed towards Gwynyth Raius as well. Thus, the Coalition has decided that the Empire must be met first. This exposes a weakness that Myrddin could exploit at any time. Forces have been left to defend against such an attack, but clearly Myrddin is quite likely and able to bring enough to bear to overwhelm them. Despite the presence of Master Wolfram and Hallowed Redeemer the holy sword.

Myrddin has long been a thorn in the side of Gwynyth Raius, and has been so even before the Empire came into existence when Aradil betrayed the party and delivered the Circlet of Images to Felipe. In discussing Myrddin, and learning more about it through other agencies, it dawns on the party that throughout all the uses of the Circlet and the complete alteration of the known Realm, Myrddin has remained exactly the same. How can this be? Why on would Felipe leave such an obvious threat to his power unchanged unless he couldn’t change it through use of the Circlet? Some of the party argued that Gwynyth Raius is similarly not changed, but that isn’t true. Gwynyth Raius has been changed, just not as overtly as the rest of the realm. Possibly it is unable to be completely wiped with the wave of a hand because Gwynyth Raius has always been such a central part of history and influence. But Myrddin is an aberration of only the last 50 or so years. A single man, former general and advisor to the king of Gwynyth Raius, was able to consume 90% of Gwynyth Raius, and cause it to fall into the dark state that it is. Coincidentally, this is the same time frame that Deir es Mal has been existence as a world power as well. What exactly is going on? Divination magic and prayers are sent to answer these questions about Myrddin, and only one answer is received: Hope.

The party finally makes their decision: they will enter Myrddin to discover the truth, and if possible, neutralize this final thorn in Gwynyth Raius, and the Coalition’s side. This will allow the Coalition to truly concentrate on the real threat of the Empire.

Once the decision is made, the party acts quickly. With the many magical means at their disposal, they travel quickly to Myrddin. They pause to brief Master Wolfram and the Gwynyth Raiun defenses at the border. Once inside enemy territory, travel is swift. The party has one encounter with an old nemesis, Lenifer, arch shadow of the forces of Tuoo, but he is yet again defeated, almost a joke to the party by now. However, the new member Koralon is slain. His companion, Kimloa is bereft completely, revealing her secret love for him. She departs, unwilling to continue. The party is soon joined by Aethelwulf, Priest of Duath, who was moved by Stormcloaks attempts to unite the priesthoods. They reach the capital of Myrddin, Dresden, in short order, and quietly and secretly survey it.

They are confronted with an immense city, clearly enlarged from its former size in the past 50 years since its occupation. A gloomy cloud of darkness hangs over this once proud city. Horrific structures have been raised, one in particular clearly a temple to some dark power which fuels the evils of Myrddin’s priests and fallen paladins. Norn uses spiritual spells to meld with rats and use them to explore the confines of the city. He finds a city of strict military order. Regular patrols and guards are everywhere. Slaves in chains scurry on the streets on various errands. A fearful noble class exists and attempts to conduct business as normal with heavily taxed merchants. Unwilling to approach the dark temple for fear of discovery, Norn finds that the temple of Nuath has been ruined and converted into slave pits and auctioning blocks. The former Temple of Hysor has been turned into the Headquarters of the Order of the Obsidian Fist, the most feared forces of Myrddin. The Blackguard caused the company much distress a few years ago, and here there were many more like them. The Goldguard and Redguard two that surveillance uncovered being present in the city just now.

Most attention is turned towards the seat of power, Myrddin’s castle. Strangely, Norn’s spirits are unable to enter it. They do sense immense and strange powers emanating from it, including a sense of despair and foreboding. The spirits are only able to do so much, and it is decided that Jorgie will attempt to physically enter the city. This will not be easy. The gates are guarded by death knights, powerful entities able to see through most concealing magics. The walls are patrolled by ghouls as well as living men. But somehow, Jorgie prevails and by complete and utter chance, enters a tavern where a form acquaintance works: Franko the mime. A former companion of Yaltan’s during the long breaking of the Myrddin siege, both Franko and Elgo had fled the fight the party had with the Blackguard. They were never heard from again. Jorgie makes contact and learns that both were captured not long after that battle and were sold into slavery. Franko is faring slightly better than Elgo, but haven’t been able to see much of each other. Jorgie offers to rescue Franko, who quickly agrees. With magic, it is an easy feat, and soon all are back in the hidden burrow Smythe created with his earth magic, across the river from the city. Franko is able to provide some more information, but not too much that can help the party. They learn the names of the some of the major players in the Myrddin Hierarchy: Lord High Marshal Count Lamberd Bek, Lord High Chaplain Duke Grimmer, Lord High Inquisitor Earl Balther, Lord High Justice Graf Ruder, Lord High Chamberlain Baron Never, Lord High Chancellor Count Theodore, and lastly an old acquaintance, Lotharingen, Chief Necromancer of the Brynmawrian detachment.

Any or all of these may be present when the party faces Myrddin down in his palace. They must also contend with the Goldguard assigned with palace security, and the garrisons of regular army that are also stationed there. More surveillance is needed. Smythe attempts to enter from below through the earth, but is also thwarted by some strange magical force. It appears that they must enter blindly and hope for the best. Franko is offered a position to help. He refuses. He’s done with fighting and merely wants to escape. The party helps him get to Arhus.

Finally, the plan is hatched. A good diversion is needed, and Smythe has the idea. He will open a gate to the plane of earth and summon hoards of elementals and unleash them upon the city. Jorgie offers to do the same with air elementals. Together, this army of elementals should do enough to draw attention away from the castle. The party will get as close as they can using burrowing elementals to create tunnels, and charge in, hoping for the best. They are wildly successful with their summonings, bringing no less than 72 of each type into the prime world. Given their instructions, the party is somewhat staggered by the power the elementals represent as they charge off to their task. The part grits their teeth and head in.

A frontal assault proves actually to be most effective, and wisely, the party isn’t too surprised to discover Death Knight and Goldguard presence at the front and inner doors. Wisely, the party decides to simply ignore them and charge forward, and actually succeed in breaking into the throne room. Once they have entered the palace, the sense of despair and gloom has increased, but they are beyond the boundaries of the protective magic and find that they can again use spells like Smythe’s earth walk. However, this only gets them into the throne room to face Myrddin. It may be a means of escape, but it’s not clear.

They are met in the throne room by many men, and as luck would have it, Myrddin himself. Their luck continues, and only a few of the possible high-ups are present. Lotharingen is there, as is Count Theodore the High Chancellor, and no less than 7 Death Knights and 2 Goldguard. But all eyes are drawn to Myrddin. Encased completely in blackened armor, with an evil sword at his side, he laughs as the party charges in and orders the attack. Immediately he is surrounded by a gold nimbus that the party has only seen a few times before, and each only upon an Aspect! Has he ascended??

Through masterful use of walls of force, iron, stone, and astral walls, the party seals themselves in with the current company, and cuts off further reinforcements. Details of the battle are lengthy, but the party concentrates most of their fire upon Lotharingen and Myrddin. Almost to their fall as the Death knights prove to be more than formidable, with multiple fireballs of immense power exploding all around, and magical blades swung with precision nearly defeat the party. But they rally, and soon the numbers of Myrddin’s forces diminish. But Myrddin himself is no small matter. Wielding an unholy sword of immense power, and throwing up shields and blasts of unstoppable power of divinity, he nearly kills Stormcloak several times. The party looks defeated. But then, Myrddin’s golden power is exhausted unexpectedly. He directs a command downwards for more, but none appears. The chances of defeating him increase, and the party focuses upon him once again, and with a last cry of outrage and defiance, Myrddin falls.

A miracle, none of the party has died. Several lie unconscious with bound wounds, but still the party is amazed at their success. They know that they have little time until their walls will fall and reinforcements will come. They gather up the powerful talismans wielded by their former foes. Much thought is given over Myrddin’s unholy sword. Do they risk taking it? Do they risk leaving it behind knowing that some other fallen paladin will recover it? Their fear of it is strong, and at first they decide to leave it. Now, they must decide what to do. The question of Myrddin’s power remains unanswered. The sense of gloom and foreboding remains too. Do they go hit the High Temple of his power? What about his strange behavior when his power was exhausted? An intuition leads the party to try to find some means of searching beneath the palace.

A secret door is found behind the throne. At the last minute, Smythe can’t bear to leave a dangerous talisman in evil’s hands, and goes back for the sword of Myrddin. Behind the secret door finds passages leading to a stairway leading up and down. They descend into a series of old storage rooms. They find a barred door that apparently leads to the tombs of the Dukes of Dresden. They find a room with a long ramp, surrounded by gilded pillars and decorated walls glorifying the power of Hysor. It hasn’t been defaced, surprisingly. The party descends into the ramp and after a long, long tunnel, come to a dead end. A pressure plate activates the trap. The tunnel is blocked by the ceiling lowering, and sand begins to fill the passage. Through magic, the party makes an easy escape. They decide to rest further before continuing.

Further search reveals a secret door leading to another stairway leading down. Here, beyond this door, the party feels that emanation of despair increase dramatically. They know that they are on to something. They descend into the true tombs of the Dukes of Dresden. But the powers of Myrddin have stirred up the old dead here, and they are beset upon by the restless ancestors of the good dukes and citizens of Gwynyth Raius, risen in powerful undead form. With no small discomfort, the party battles their way on through the tombs. At many turns, they hit several dead ends with no answer to the powers of Myrddin in sight.

At last, they discover the grandiose tomb of the first duke of Dresden, the founder. Entering it, they find that like the others, he and his servants have been animated, but he is far more powerful in death than most others (as he was in life). But here also, Myrddin has his revenge. For he was not truly slain as they had thought, but instead, his lifeforce had retreated into his phylactery that had unwittingly been taken with the party. It was indeed his sword, and Smythe had been overtaken by the Evil Lord. Here, once again drawing upon his golden power but in the body of Smythe and with the powerful Duke Dresden at his side, once again faced the party.

The fighting was even more vicious, for the party fought to preserve Smythe’s body as much as they could in the hopes that he could be recovered. Again, however, Myrddin was defeated as was the Duke, but the price was much higher. Dray was slain, and Smythe seemed unrecoverable. His body dead, the party knew that they must destroy the evil sword so Myrddin would be vanquished forever. This they did, knowing that Smythe would want it so.

Still the answers were not here, and again they searched the tombs. Deciding not to desecrate any more tombs if they could, they did a simple search of the areas they had been, and lo and behold found a secret door quite near the entrance. This led to the treasury of Myrddin! Fifty years of pillage and taxation of the entire country was accumulated here. Gold and gems and family heirlooms piled in four rooms. However, though this grabbed their attention at first, it was the sense of increasing despair that led them on, knowing that they were getting close. Beyond the treasure rooms was another room with a devious trap:

This round room has only one exit, a massive iron door with a single lock and latch. The door is protected by immense forces, and wasn’t affected in any way by magic nor even the power of Nuath’s spear.The only way to open the door is with the key which is in the trap. Similarly, the walls and floor and so on are protected.

There are two pedestals, the one closest to the entrance lower than the one behind it. On the taller there is a golden cage in a hemisphere through which can be seen a single key. It is obvious that the key fits the door. On the floor can be seen a large number of miniscule holes – these are on the walls and ceiling too. Off to one side is a body that has been dead a number of months. Cause of death is asphyxiation and poisoning. On the second pedestal is a ring of 12 symbols on the surface.

If anyone reaches towards the cage, a loud humming occurred that increased the closer they got. The room vibrated and appeared on the verge of collapse. If anyone reaches towards a symbol, it will light red when the finger or object is about an inch away. Once touched, it lights green and stays green. Any combination of 3 symbols results in the release of the deadly gas, and the dropping of the entry door. The gas will remain for more than 27 hours, so that protection spells will fail. There are no hints anywhere about the combination of symbols.

Finally, the party discovered the secret of the trap. The cage was completely fake and could simply be lifted off and the key picked up. Despite the vibrations and shaking, the room didn’t collapse. At last, the party was able to open the last door. The trepidation and gloom went up another notch, and they ventured to the last guardians of the secret. A room full of powerful mummies wielding magical spells. The remaining party was able to defeat them. Again, it seemed like a dead end until the secret door was found. Entering it, the absolute despair beyond was consuming. At first, Stormcloak gave up. He sat down and waited to die. Quick thinking by the party allowed a slight alteration in the past, and he this time resisted the effects of the despair cloying the air like choking fog.

A short hallway led to a single jail cell. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked. As they approached, they heard a voice ask, "What now, Myrddin?" Inside the cell they found a being of immense power. Power of divinity. An unknown God, or Aspect. Genderless, it could be male or female or both. With absolute white skin and hairless countenance, dressed in a simple black drape, the waves of utter despair came from it. Overpowering power of divine grade threatened to consume the entire party. The being exuded age and youth, and when asked had no name. It was simply The Child.

The Child, they learned, was bereft of all companionship but that of Myrddin. Spurned throughout the cosmos, it ventured through the planes until it finally came here, and at last after eons of friendlessness, saw a shining knight riding with his retinue across the land. Approaching it, The Child witnessed the knight fall from his horse, stricken and saw the white shine of his armor fade. His servants slit their own throats. But the knight lived, and recovered himself enough to speak with The Child. This was Myrddin, his first and only friend.

Myrddin spoke to the Child kindly, and informed It of the evils of men. That the Child would be misunderstood and reviled even worse here than elsewhere. Trusting in Its new friend, Myrddin led It to Dresden and secreted it there. And learning of each other, the Child helped Myrddin do what he did. The Child didn’t appear stupid, but was so afraid of losing Its only friend that it went along with it. What if Myrddin was right and no one else would ever talk to It? Could it risk alienating its friend?

So now the party was faced with the Child and a destroyed Myrddin. What to do with this being with so much potential for destruction. It was like playing with dynamite. Still, the party talked to the Child of the nature of man and of the nature of Hope, for the advice of the Aspects from before was apt. They slowly earned the Child’s trust, and when Gunthar pointed out that the Child was emanating its own inner despair, the Child was surprised. With no interaction with others, how could it have known? It stopped it, and the gloom was gone. The party told It that the power it was giving to the priests was being used wrong. The Child was reluctant to give up the power the worship was giving It, but eventually decided to try something new. It revoked it. Just like that. The entire powerbase of Myrddin was gone.

Further, the Child decided to help the party. It simply brought back Smythe and Dray with a thought. The Child then decided to go explore some and left. The party knew that their task was done. However, they weren’t about to leave that treasure behind. Forming up their patterns they managed to take the entire Myrddin treasure back to their warehouse home in Arhus. Mission accomplished.

In the aftermath of their battle, Aethelwulf has a crisis of faith, and departs the priesthood of Duath to dedicate his life to the Child. Perhaps to be the first of Its new followers. The Child doesn’t appear to be granting Aethelwulf any new powers or spells as of yet, however. After reporting their success to the leaders present in Arhus, a summons is immediately sent for the King Calvin and the other Coalition leaders. They arrive by magical means, and a great celebration is held. During it, King Calvin gives titles and lands to each of the heroes:

He grants Stormcloak in particular the lands around Uter, to rebuild the High Temple of Nuath. Ulrich will get the lands around Huysum. Jorgie the lands in the Whispering Forest around Fehrman. The rest will unfortunately be granted lands in the old Gwynyth Raius, soon to be captured. Enough nobility remains on the peninsula.

Ulrich – Marquis of Huysum. Grim Sentinel of the Coasts

Stormcloak – Viscount of Uter. Regent of the Western Domain

Jorgie – Viscount of Fehrman. Iron Tower of the Easter Waves

Dray – Earl – Watchwarder of the Southern Marches. Near Ebrach

Norn – Count. Lord Guardian of the Pale. Lands near and around Halber

Smythe – Baron. Watchwarder of the Seaward Mountains. Lands in Anlam.

Aethelwulf – Baron. Preserver of the Highland Uplands. Lands near Winsyn

Gunther – Knight. Liberator of the Shire. Near Northeim.