968/07/21 - From Draconia to Reym, part 1

Leaving the lair of the frost giant leader by the escape tunnel (which they reseal with ice to mask their departure), the party travels deep through the ice and rock of the mountains. After several thousand feet, however, they find a short side tunnel leading to a chamber with curious contents. They find two statues of humans made of ice dressed in archaic attire. One bears plate armor and the holy symbol of Duath, and the other wears hides and has a large sword. Croom and Hans examine the statues and surmise that these look very much like the result of a flesh to stone spell, but with ice instead. Croom happens to have a break enchantment prepared, so he attempts to cast it on the statue of the priest. Baldrin smiles upon Croom, and he is successful in restoring life to Felgarn, who wakes up thinking he is still in the middle of battle. The party calms him down and explains what happened. Quick introductions are made, but more lengthy ones must wait until they are further away from the frost giants. They have no means of freeing Felgarn's companion, who he names Skilgannon, now, so they pick the ice statue up and venture on. The eventually follow the tunnel out of the mountains and go further for an hour where they feel safe enough to rest. Hans creates a secure shelter where they rest for the night.

The next morning, another break enchantment is cast to free Skilgannon, and a deeper introductions are made. The two travelers are somewhat close-mouthed until it is revealed just how long they have been kept as ice sculptures: nearly 500 years. They were agents of Gwynyth Raius on an important mission for the king: they were investigating the death of Beldyn II, and had just made an important revelation about who and what was behind the slaughter of the king and his family. They were just about to return to warn the nobles of Gwynyth Raius not to crown the heir Garayn, for he was a puppet of the murderer. Their wizard was about to teleport them home when all of a sudden the clearing they were in is filled with an arctic blast an a planar portal opens up on top of them. Through the portal fly three snake-like dragons: linnorms, followed by a raging battle between frost giants and dragons. The party hopelessly becomes embroiled in the battle and separated. Some, perhaps all, of the party is forced to flee the chaos by going into the portal into the icy landscape on the other side, Felgarn and Skilgannon included. There they lose track of the others and are eventually targeted by the flesh to ice spell cast by the giants. That is all they know until now.

Felgarn and Skilgannon are dismayed to learn that so much time has passed. Careful questioning about the state of Gwynyth Raius and its history reveals that without their intervention, meaning that none of the party survived the accident, Garayn was crowned king and was a complete disaster for the realm. From that point forward in time, the disintegration of the mighty kingdom of Gwynyth Raius began. The two heroes from the past age agree to travel with the party in an attempt to get back home and then to report to the current king and see if they can resume their careers and perhaps find a way to get back to their proper time and fix the error of the planar portal and the failure of their mission.

Rested, they summon phantom steeds and fly back to Colleva. There, they see to the burial of Sir Osric. They meet with the silver dragon king Muxenum and report the success of their mission to break up the frost giant clans that were building in the mountains. Honoring their agreement, Muxenum gives them information in answer to their questions. But first, he tells them a very important piece of lost lore that surprised them all:

"I still find it strange that there are men still in the realm of Reym. There were very few true-blooded humans when dragonkind left that place in the Epoch of Ocellus, or so the historians called it who last came through the gate. You see, it was the Changing that had started back in the Epoch of Auclenus. Most have forgotten or denied their past. Some here on Draconia remember, such as the we silver and the gold. Draconia was discovered in the Epoch of Fleutian amongst many other places, and it was found pleasing to the dragons for flight was more graceful and their breath was mighty in this place. Our first ancestors kept their ties and duties to Reym and the great city of Mantua was where the kings of the dragons ruled. But as the epochs progressed the dragons became less interested in the affairs of the old places and seldom sent ambassador any longer. The kings faded and Mantua was eventually abandoned and the gates were finally closed 2600 years ago. It was then 2300 years ago (only 300 years since the last visit) when last person came through the gate, far after the gates were thought impassable. And this being, an elf, visited with my ancestor here in Colleva and then traveled on to Neapolis to see the king of the gold dragons. It was thought that he sought something in Mantua, but the we have long forgotten much about that city."

When they ask about the linnorms, Muxenum relates the story of their war and the sad tale of the three brothers:

"Ah yes, the last three brothers of Caroli. It is a sad tale. Those of Caroli were more belligerent and less intelligent than most of dragonkind. They had delusions of grandeur and moved into the ruins of Mantua to set up a second base. From there, they struck out against their neighbors. They fought wars with the Howling dragons of Lincopia, the Styx dragons of Lissus, the Battle dragons of Tomis, the Black Dragons of Isca. These three ruled jointly and each commanded an equal portion of their armies. When at last they threatened the kindly bronze dragons of Eboracum, the rest of the metallic dragons joined forces to stop them. Even the battle dragons threw their lot into this new alliance. It was said that the linnorms intended to conquer all of Draconia and it was also said that their ambition was to invade and conquer Reym as well. The rumor was that they had some means of using the gates that had long been sealed."

"They were no match however, for the combined alliance, and if they had been any smarter they would have realized the foolhardiness of their plans and ambition. And on the last day of the battle, when all was lost and the three were surely to be caught, they disappeared never to be seen again. The city of Mantua was destroyed and the race of linnorms with it. Though there might be a few survivors hiding throughout Draconia."

They ask Muxenum about the Lemegeton, but he doesn't know anything about such an item here in Draconia. He suggests that the gold dragons might know more. Already, it appears that they might need to go there to find the means to leave the plane. Muxenum reveals to them that the plane of Draconia is sealed from all entry and exit except for two places. He doesn't know the details of how the portals work, only that there are two of them. One nearby in the arctic ice, and another far to the south in a desert. It wasn't always that way until Mantua was abandoned. In the distant past, travel to Reym occurred there. Their final question is asked by Starkad. He asks if any of the dragons might come back with them and assist with their war against the devils and demons. Muxenum is unwilling to commit formally to providing forces, but indicates that any dragon may be inclined to go on their own. Many of the young dragons hunger for more adventure than can be provided here. As if on cue, the young dragon Halcilof looks eager and volunteers to help recruit more. It is thought that he would have more success if one of the party goes with him to canvas the other metallic dragon cities for recruits. Eldrin volunteers to go with him. The party works out a means of meeting up later at the portal in the desert in order to go home. He and Halcilof leave to start talking with other silver dragons in the city.

It is decided that they will leave for Neapolis, the home of the gold dragons, the next day after sorting out the loot from the giants and having a service for Sir Osric. They depart using their swift phantom steeds flying at great altitude. This turns out to be a grave mistake. Hours outside of the city and far into the wilderness, they are ambushed by a well-prepared ancient white dragon. This dragon seeks revenge for the disruption of its plot with the frost giants, and it lies in wait heavily buffed with magic and invisible. Its breath destroys most of the steeds and the party plummets thousands of feet to the ground. Hopelessly split up, those that escaped the fall attempt to fight the dragon alone until the others rejoin. During the combat, Skilgannon is nearly killed, but they eventually rally from the disastrous first rounds of combat and kill the beast to recover a few magic items. They are unable to find its lair because that is likely to be deep in the city of white dragons, a very inhospitable place and far out of their way. They travel on, but now not flying so high off the ground.

They travel for many days in a southwestern direction, realizing that Draconia is one big place. They had learned from Muxenum that there are two major continents, one north and the other south. The city of Neapolis is on the southern continent to the far west. Over these days, as the landscape shows sign of becoming warmer and more temperate, they encounter many strange hostile creatures that attack them as they camp. One of the worst is an undead creature that appears in their shelter with them without warning. It has powers that enable it to alter reality to its liking, and its only through the use of powerful heal spells that the undead abomination is destroyed. A good many of the hostile creatures have some sort of draconic ancestry in their blood or are an elemental of some kind. They were attacked by an elemental air monolith and a strange storm elemental. They play it safe with the dragons they see in the distance. As they begin to fly over a temperate forest, they start seeing signs of green dragons and avoid them as they can.

However, they spot a hill next to a lake on the outskirts of the forest upon which a ruin stands. The lake empties into a river over a sharp drop that results in a waterfall. What is most interesting is that smoke is rising from an intact chimney in the ruin. They can't help but go investigate. Sure enough, they find strange green dragonspawn creatures, roughly man-sized, manning the ruin. Battle ensues, naturally, and the party is victorious in storming the ruined building and dispatching the creatures with relative ease. The party overwhelms the creatures who eventually start fighting a retreating action deeper in the ruin and finally underground. They find a few passages and rooms that serve as storage and barracks for the creatures. Then, they enter a gargantuan cavern. Here, they find more of the creatures, though most flee the party, and more interesting they find vast signs of industry: forges, workshops for glassblowing, creating crates, and other things, and alchemical laboratories. They find areas where the dragonspawn were training military skills. Something is preparing for a war, the party discovers. When the party finishes their circuit of the cavern, they come across a massive set of iron doors in front of which the green dragonspawn have set up their last stand against the party.

Naturally, the party wants to see what they are guarding with their lives, so they attack. They are worried when they notice that all of the defenders are standing in broken glass. At the start of the battle the party discovers that two creatures, are staying in the dark to cast spells for a few rounds. The party still thinks they have the fight easily though a couple of them are very worried about the spellcasters. The razorfiends surround the party and one of the mysterious spellcasters casts a well placed evard’s black tentacles that get the whole party. While it is up, Croom is grappled and at one point all the clerics were grappled. The razorfiends are doing quite a bit of damage on the clerics but are missing the warriors. Meanwhile, the first creature in the dark flies in to engage more directly. It is a female spawn with priestly powers, who spends most of her time casting defensive buffs instead of attacking. The buffs prove to be a whole lot of problem for the party early on, but they finally are able to start dispelling after a few rounds. After the clerics break free of the tentacles one by one. However, Wilhelm is cut down by a razorfiend and dies his final death.

When the last spellcaster reveals himself, the dual-wielding leader spawn is killed by Starkad and most of the other minions have been killed too. From the darkness in swoops an ancient green dragon, Galornus Trevara, the leader of the whole operation. The party is in bad straits at that point but rally as best as they can. The dragon’s first dispelling breath really turns the tide against the party and Hans is almost killed, but the two clerics rally and bring the party back. Fortunately, the acid resistance they cast earlier survives on most of them but many other important buffs are dispelled. They work hard to try to get the flying priestess (named Ulika) but she just escapes and heals. She even has freedom of movement up and is not stopped by John’s acid fog. She in fact uses it to hide for a couple of rounds.

It really is all the dispel magics that make the difference, stripping off the buffs from Ulika and Galornus. Ulika does manage a mass heal once that fixes her and Galornus up, but then Felgarn uses downdraft to make her land and before she can fly away, she is killed by a raging Skilgannon in one round. Which was very necessary because now they could work on the dragon. Unfortunately, the dragon keeps on doing dispelling maximized breaths until the party finally is able to spread apart. The second to last one nearly tears the party down again and they resort to repeated mass cure critical wounds and even moderate and light wounds to recover. They are spread apart so the final breath of the dragon only gets two of them. But finally they manage to bring it down. Hans gets the killing blow with magic missile. John, Croom make level 18 and are able to at last acquire the most powerful magics.

They loot the bodies right there and immediately go back up to the tower to rest. They stayed the night at the first level of the ruined tower. During the night, Skilgannon hears crashing and movement down below. The next morning, they heal up and head back down. They skip the dungeon and go straight back to the battle-site and the big doors. They notice that the dragon and Ulika’s body have been rearranged into more gentle reposes. Hundreds of candles litter the floor and a circle has been drawn around the dragon in its blood. Another drawing shows a five-headed dragon. They worry a second, then go open the big doors and uncover the dragon hoard. They spend time here identifying and doling out items. After, they explore the large cavern, noticing the greenspawn have left via the tunnel next to the waterfall. They destroy the alchemy laboratory with wall of fire. They return into the dungeons and John discovers a golden idol of a five-headed dragon on an altar in a temple and takes it. They just about are ready to leave when they discover a storage room with a great many crates of magical potions and extra gold. Afterwards they finish searching and go up to the tower again. Felgarn Skilgannon and Starkad bury Wilhelm with proper rites while Hans and John figure out how to divide and carry the hundreds of potions. These potions will later turn out to be very helpful to the party.

They travel for three more days after their assault upon the ruins, fighting more strange creatures almost every day and night. When they at last reach the seacoast, they battle colossal crabs before flying over the water with their phantom steeds. They have one last battle with a thunder worm in the sky before they reach the civilized lands around Neapolis and the gold dragons. They are soon flying over pastures filled with herds of buffalo, walls, and well-tended farmland. They are met by a scout, much like they were at Colleva, this time a female gold dragon named Hulania Quellion. After showing her a token given to them by King Muxenum, she escorts them to Neapolis. It is a fairy city of gold and white stone built upon a single hill rising from the plains. She takes them directly to King Rikanis, an ancient gold dragon who meets them in an immense throne room. Just like Colleva, they observe that Neapolis is a huge city thronging with thousands of gold dragons. The party introduces themselves to the king and briefly outlines why they have come. The king nods and admits that he can help them, and will help them since they bear the token of the silver dragon king. A feast will be prepared for them, and there he will give them information and a map of Draconia.

After resting a short bit, they are admitted to the grand feast. The king dines alone with them, though strange servants bring all sorts of sumptuous food to the table. During dinner conversation, the party learns that the gold dragon kings can draw their lineage directly back to rule of the entire realm of Draconia. When Mantua fell into disuse after the plane was sealed, the gold dragons withdrew to Neapolis, much like all the other draconic species had already done to their own cities. They ask about the elf who came through thousands of years ago, and King Rikanis tells them that two pieces of information have been passed down along the royal line just for those that could come and inquire after the elf wizard. Yes, he came through and was going to Mantua. He left a riddle with the gold dragons, which Rikanis now recites for the party:

"The royal in the rainbow was the Emperor's course,

Laughing, the cheer of the good lit its source."

He can offer little more in the way of information to find the key to Reym, except that once in Mantua they should perhaps try the king's palace, the university of magic, or maybe the Reyman embassy. He does warn them gravely; Reym may hold untold dangers for them. They had better be sure that they have no other recourse before venturing there. He calls for the royal cartographer, who brings a map of Draconia for the party. The map is quite detailed and shows all the major dragon cities. They are unlabeled because they were unsure of what language the party could read. With the help of the king and cartographer, the party writes in the names of the cities and what kind of dragon lives there. They learn that Mantua is clear across the northern continent from Neapolis, a trek of many weeks of travel even at the speeds of the phantom steeds. There are many evil dragon cities that they will have to avoid, such as the green dragons, fang dragons, howling dragons, black dragons, and styx dragons. They plot out a route of travel and decide to leave in a couple of days.

They ask about possible allies returning home with them, and King Rikanis gives a similar answer as King Muxenum. He will not formally send any dragons, but if the party manages to discover how to return home safely through the great barrier, any gold dragon they personally recruit is welcome to go with them. They talk about the linnorms some, and the king congratulates them and thanks them for dealing with the last fugitive from the war. He bestows upon each party member a powerful magic item gift, different from the sorts of magic items they had seen back home.