The Book of Emperors

Chapter VII

7:1And King Maal held court often, the saints Ulrich and Jean-Jacques at his side, bestowing beneficent gifts upon the men who came to be free of the Three.

7:2And these men were lifted high and made whole and given responsibility befitting their wisdom.

7:3And men in turn brought gifts to the king to show their gratitude, each announced by Adramalek, the High Chancellor.

7:4And in the second year of the Return, the High Princess Proserpine came to court bringing three young men of same blood and likeness, triplets of rare and blessed birth.

7:5And these three wished to turn from the Three and give their hearts to the Blessed Ones.

7:6And the king laid his hand upon the heart of the first, proclaiming, “Arise and be whole Lucifer, thee whom I foresee shall be Emperor of all men.”

7:7And the king laid his hand upon the heart of the second, proclaiming, “Arise and be whole Beelzebuth, thee whom I foresee shall be Prince of all men.”

7:8And the king laid his hand upon the heart of the third, proclaiming, “Arise and be whole Satan, thee whom I foresee shall be Grand Duke of all men.”

7:9And the king proclaimed, “These three rulers shall sit in the place of the Three, those who were once most highest of the Blessed Ones creations.”

7:10And in that year of the Return, Prince Moloch came to court bringing four regal men who had been shackled by the tears of maidens.

7:11And the king struck the shackles and made the men whole, proclaiming, “These Four Kings shall scour the earth and be the winds of fate. They shall be named Ziminar, King of the North; Amaymon, King of the East; Gaap, King of the South; and Curson, King of the West.”

7:12And in that year of the Return, Pluto, Prince of Fire came to court with two powerful heroes.

7:13And the king made the heroes whole and proclaimed, “These two I shall make Chief Officers of Lucifer. One shall be Pu Satanachia, watching over Raius; and the other shall be Agaliarept, watching over the lands of Asalia.”

7:14And in that year of the Return, Leonard, Grand Master of Sabbaths came to court bringing two merchants.

7:15And the king lifted the greed from the heart of the merchants and proclaimed, “These two shall be Chief Officers of Beelzebuth. One shall be Lucifuge Rofocale, and he shall watch over the north of Afrik. The other shall be Fleurety, and he shall watch over the south of Afrik.”

7:16And in that year of the Return, Baalberith, Minister of Treaties came to court bringing two peasants.

7:17And the king healed the peasants of their ills and made them whole, proclaiming, “These shall be Chief Officers of Satan. One shall be Sargatanas, and he shall watch over the north of Amerik. The other shall be Nebiros who shall watch over the south of Amerik.”

7:18And on the last day of that year of the Return, Prince Euronymous came to court bearing a great glowing red jewel.

7:19And the king stood and bowed before the Prince, “This jewel is a thing of power from Paradise, and it is returned. But what is this? What have the Three done? They have twisted its blessed purpose and used it to imprison the good souls of heroes and kings.”

7:20And the king wept, for the great jewel was made by his hand in Paradise and all the Blessed Ones were well pleased with its brilliance.

7:21And King Maal destroyed his creation in great sadness to free the tortured souls and make them whole and alive again.

7:22And to each in turn he gave name and office.

7:23But when the king named the twenty-ninth spirit, Satan cried out in fear and King Maal was displeased.

7:24And the king said unto Satan, “King you shall not be, for no king shall show fear lest his subjects distrust him. In your stead we raise Astaroth, this spirit of whom you fear, and he shall be Grand Duke. And Satan shall lead the Opposition and be given the task of leading these six bearers of gifts in the task of bringing the light to man, dispelling his false worship, so the Three may be weakened.”