
Chaotic evil

Surgyth is the aspect of fire, volcanoes, and ash. He is the flame of any form, from the smallest candle to the largest conflagration. Fire is necessary for life, and he delights in causing what is thought to be a simple flame to rage out of control. Neglecting his worship is to invite the flame to consume all. His commands are:

  • Burn to destroy.

  • Bring flame to the ancient forests of the world and the Feywild.

  • Blow on the embers and feed the fires smoldering of the world.

Suggested Domains: Forge, Light, Tempest

Surgyth's flames and fiery eruptions are the vents of rage against existence. He takes pleasure in sweeping holocausts that torment the world with destruction of what is valued. His followers are often tyrants who seek to sweep away what they see as the soiled and rotten with cleansing fire, bringing new a order more to their liking. Surgyth elevates change because of how it can destabilize people and societies paving the way for torment and tyrants to rise.