Duath the Shield

Lawful good

Duath is the aspect of protection, defense, castles and fortification. He is the protector of the innocent, and redeemer of life in peril. Those that are oppressed, threatened, and in danger seek shelter behind his shield. Prayers are offered to Duath for a strong wall when building any fortification. Duath is the twin brother of Nuath the Spear. His strictures are these:

  • Protect the innocent, even at the cost of your own life.

  • Never turn your back on those in need.

  • It is better to defend with strong fortification than to attack with a weak sally.

Suggested Domains: Forge, Life, Order, War

Duath wields his divine influence to guide those in peril to shelter and to influence mortals away from overly destructive actions. His followers are constantly seeking knowledge of how better to protect with new ways of building fortifications and castles to house those that can't defend themselves. In the end, war inevitably comes and so his followers take up arms and learn the best ways to defend through precise battle plans and well-laid out strategies. In Duath's eyes, war is a hated necessity met with careful planning to minimize loss and ensure victory from a defensive stance.