Elysenika's Prophecy

In the year 428, a scholar named Vedrik von Hassel uncovered an ancient stone tablet from what he determined to be an ancient temple of our Mistress, Elysenika. The writing was faded and in the ancient Reyman script. It took him many years to decipher it. What he uncovered was an ancient prophecy, written in Elysenika's hand. Vedrik was a pious man, and he entrusted the tablet to the High Temple in Backnan. We have kept the tablet a secret for many centuries, but now the prophecy must be shared with our fellow priests so they can be watchful for the signs.

One will become five as each of three spawned nine.

Unable to walk the fabric, the pentacle of void,

Sowing the seeds for days of eternal darkness.

This, the first sign, a sundering of bright crystal,

And thus, crying for revenge, they will come.

The breaking hand, the first harbingers of,

Days of eternal darkness that will come,

Will cross a silver span over the glistening.

There, a honeycomb closed and dusted.

A divine brother's finger, stabbing, breaks it,

The honeycomb, and its treasure is released.

The second sign, the treasure is bitter,

Corrodes the fabric, poisons, weakens my hand.

The last deed, the first harbingers of,

Days of eternal darkness that will come,

Relinquish the key, banish the pentacle of void,

Choosing the hand to hold it, the third sign.

And another harbinger comes, created

By the hand that holds the key.

The five, their darkness left behind,

Hidden, secret, growing, spawning.

An ancient prison, its charges freed.

Lo, the second harbingers thunder across,

The world on the brink, of

Days of eternal darkness that will come.

Ancient secrets found, shrouded in forbiddance,

The claw of scales, the abode of the holy.

And the fourth sign, a shattering,

An ancient interdiction, of inward

Looking eyes of scales, talons of many colors.

Freed, the second harbingers bring them,

And the sky fills with the wings of the avaricious.

Behold, the final sign, a key found at last,

To the primeval throne, the first sovereign,


Awaken the dream of empire, the second harbingers of,

Days of eternal darkness that will come.

Madness, rage, aroused in the hand, in the land

Trapped puissance, intensified for eons, bursting,


Days of eternal darkness.