Epolde the Chronicler


Epolde is the aspect of history, teaching, the keeper of time, and the Keeper of the Chronicles. In his white tower in Antioch, he keeps record of all that has transpired in all of creation. He moderates the ebb and flow of Time. Historians of all the ages call Epolde their patron. He directs his followers thus:

  • Observe and record what you see and experience.

  • Learn from the past or be doomed to repeat its mistakes.

  • Teach what you know to others so they too can avoid the errors of history.

Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Order, Peace

Epolde's followers seek to know and record the paths of events, hoping to understand their own fates by learning what has happened before. The birth of civilization is recorded in the pages of history, and it is through the organization of civilized society that scholars and sages of history can have the time to learn and record. To Epolde, knowledge is the pinnacle of growth and teaching, and the finest achievement of civilization. Cities allow the presence of libraries and the coming together of the informed to exchange ideas and learn what has shaped the world before them.