Chapter III

3:1The ages passed, and the Blessed Ones waited and grew strong again.

3:2In their secret place, the Three grew complacent, and made sport of the things they stole.

3:3They used the things of power to create, but all was a pale imitation of the great works of the Blessed Ones.

3:4They grew fat and lazy on the spoils of their crimes.

3:5In its smugness, the faceless one laid aside the crystal crown and soon forgot it.

3:6In the course of time, the three created new beasts and creatures to fill their secret place, but these were as flawed as they.

3:7And some of these beasts were men, filled with the greed, hate, and envy that had consumed their creators.

3:8And the Three played games with men to assuage their boredom and dark hearts.

3:9And in time these men found many of the artifacts that the Three had stolen but had since neglected.

3:10Then the crystal crown of Maal was found, dusty and forgotten by the Three in their sloth, and a man took it for his own.

3:11Much mischief was done by these men with the crown, as it passed from hand to hand through the short lived generations of men.

3:12Until one day, Saint Ulrich Grimscht, right-hand of Maal, earned the right to bear the crown.

3:13And in his wisdom, Saint Ulrich saw through the lies and deceit that had shrouded the works of the Three.

3:14And he discerned the true nature of the crown.

3:15The saint wept for the flaws that were bestowed upon man by the weak Three, and prayed for salvation and speaking the First Word, he was answered by the Blessed Ones.

3:16And so were Five Blessed Ones permitted at last to find the secret place of the Three and begin to set right what was wrong.

3:17And Maal took Ulrich to his bosom and kissed his brow and said, “Long have you despaired, but fear not. We have come and we shall cleanse this place of the evil of the Three. And we shall erase the flaw from any man who embraces us and turns from the Three to be made whole. And this place shall become Paradise again, and no creature need ever die.”

3:18And Ulrich’s companion Jean-Jacques de Galois de Toulouse fell to his knees and cried out, “Save me! I believe in the truth of the Blessed Ones!”

3:19And Maal placed his hands on the head of this man, and he was made whole and he arose Saint Jean-Jacques and was ever at the side of the king.

3:20But the heart of Saint Ulrich was still clouded by the teachings of the Three and he was sorely afraid.

3:21And he fled from the Blessed Ones, taking the crown with him.

3:22But Maal forgave Ulrich his fear, for he knew that the appearance of the Blessed Ones was terrible to behold.

3:23For the Blessed Ones had contrived new forms and took many new names to better fit their wrath.

3:24And the Blessed Ones began the work of defeating the Three, but the Three had planned well before their time of sloth, and many of the great things created by the Blessed Ones were well hidden, yet forgotten.

3:25And each of the Five was took a Task upon himself.

3:26Maal took the name Mefis, and sought the crown and his saint, Ulrich, for pardon was in his heart.

3:27Gaal took no other name and his heart contained the greatest wrath, and he sought to confront the Three directly in battle.

3:28Haal took the name Hiisi, and he built a fortress in the sky and he sought to pierce the hidden places where the Three had hidden the treasures of the Blessed Ones.

3:29Taal took the name Tuoo and he too sought for the hidden things of the Blessed Ones, embracing the strange history of this secret place for clues to where they had been hidden.

3:30And Baal took the name Baaldazeron and sought to bring the true light of the Blessed Ones to all the beasts and men of the realm of the Three.