Brage the Eloquent

Chaotic good

Brage is the aspect of the arts, poetry, debate, literature, and music. He is the patron of bards, and all compositions created for their artistic worth are loved by Brage. Communication in all forms is his domain, from traders haggling in the market, to diplomats making embassy, to those who view spellcasting as an art. He urges his followers thus:

  • Cultivate beauty in all that you do, whether you're casting a spell, composing a saga, strumming a lute, or practicing the arts of war.

  • Nothing of beauty should ever go unappreciated: seek out lost magic items, forgotten rituals, and ancient works of art and expose them again to the world.

  • Leave the world a better place than it was when you entered it.

Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Trickery

Brage appreciates beauty and art, be it in song, story, sculpture, dress, or any form of decoration. Everyone seeking beauty in their actions prays to Brage for the skill to bring their visions into existence. He places emphasis on the creation of new beauty, using the skills learned by his followers. He enjoys the freedom of pure artistic pursuit, yet he sees the merit in the creation of practical things such as faster ships to speed trade. He hopes that others use their freedom to do the right thing, and he stands against tyranny of any kind. His followers keep alive the flames of hope in oppressive societies, reminding the dispossessed of what to fight for with word or song.