School of Abjuration Vault Note

Greetings Thieves,

I call you thieves because that is what you are, but don’t be afraid. I do not hold it against you. We will be allies someday. Maybe even friends. Welcome to site 14. Now that you’re here, it is no more use to me.

You had to be powerful and determined to get past my wards and guards. I hope your cause is worthy. If not, then we will have a discussion. Don’t be pus-heads!

I have done a lot for you here. There is decent equipment in this vault that you can use for whatever your reasons. No one else has access to this vault but me. All the other wizards who knew how to get in are gone. I might have kept the choicest things for myself, you understand.

You might find the longspear useful. It may have belonged to Gurrag once. Or maybe I had it made in his honor. My memory is not what it was before…well, no matter. Regardless, if you do not know who Gurrag is, then leave it here for someone who does. I do know I added it to the vault. I added some other things, too that you can do heroic things with. I charged up the Rod a little bit.

Oh, if you work for him, then I will hunt you down and imprison you for a thousand years. If you don’t, then you have nothing to fear! You can join my cause against him. It is ALL HIS FAULT. ALL OF IT.

I will see you soon.


