Chapter II

2:1And there came to Paradise Three beings, and they were welcomed with open arms for they spoke fair. These, a man of stone, a woman of fire, and a third cowled, learned at the feet of the Blessed Ones. And the eons passed.

2:2Then, there came darkness in the heart of the cowled one, who had no face, and gathered the other two and spoke to them.

2:3“Look at this place that the Blessed Ones have made. Look at these things that they have crafted. Look at the beasts that give them love and adoration. Are these things not fine? Can we not make these things our own? Why should the Blessed Ones exult in all this? Do they not sit aloof in their city? Do they walk amongst the beasts that love them? Do they behold and marvel over all things? They do not. They are not worthy of this greatness.”

2:4And the man and the woman were swayed by the words of the dark one.

2:5And over the course of time, they took the things the Blessed Ones created and brought them to a secret place, far away.

2:6The Blessed Ones did not notice the sly dealings of the Three, for their contemplation had turned to weighty matters; they delved into the future and meaning of all things.

2:7Then the first coming of darkness came to Paradise, and all the creatures wondered and were afraid.

2:8For many of the artifacts of light were taken by the scheming Three.

2:9The Blessed Ones were concerned, but still kept to their deep contemplation.

2:10The darkness came again and still the Blesesed Ones did nothing.

2:11Then the first creature died; a small fawn who had taken to drinking at a green glade amongst the dew.

2:12The Blessed One Naal at last turned from his contemplation and spoke to the others, “What is this? Why has this happened? What brings this thing, this darkness to Paradise?”

2:13And the faceless one spoke, “We have seen a being, a stranger in Paradise, perhaps he is the cause. Let us, your servants, seek this being out and learn the truth. Turn not from your study, for it is an important thing. Let us carry your concern.”

2:14And Naal was content and did as the dark one bade him.

2:15The Three continued their work, and wonders of Paradise were taken away.

2:16The darkness grew as did the greed of usurpers.

2:17And ever did their eyes turn deeper and deeper towards the heart of Paradise, to the great city where the Blessed Ones held court.

2:18The Three spoke fair to the Blessed Ones of their search for the root of the darkness, for this elusive stranger that was never caught.

2:19Until at last, the words would not suffice for Naal, and he departed the city in Paradise where the Blessed Ones dwell to see this thing for himself.

2:20And Naal marveled at how Paradise had changed.

2:21The brooks and the gardens were dust and ash.

2:22The beasts were thin and feral.

2:23The things of beauty and power were not in their places.

2:24Naal searched and searched for this elusive stranger, this being who did this deed.

2:25At last, he spied in the distance a figure, and he called to it, “Hark! Have you tidings of the darkness? Is there word of the missing things?”

2:26It fled from him, and he gave chase.

2:27He ran and he leapt, he flew and he swam, and ever did this figure elude him.

2:28Further from the city he was drawn, and a strange thing began to happen. A thing Naal had never felt before.

2:29He became weak, his sight dimmed, his hearing faded, and his legs failed to carry him further.

2:30And the figure stopped, and he crawled to its feet.

2:31And he spoke in the desolation, “Who are you, and why have you done this thing?”

2:32And the woman of fire dropped her cloak and laughed, and Naal was glad that he had found her. “Ah! Tis you! Why did you hide? Is this a new game? Please, take me to the castle, a strange thing has occurred.”

2:33The woman of fire, laughing anew, grew bright and strong and Naal felt himself fade.

2:34And then from behind, Naal was struck down while weakened by the man of stone who had hid in the shadows.

2:35And so passed the first of the Blessed Ones.

2:36And thus the Three learned how to kill the Blessed Ones, in secret and stealth.

2:37One by one, the Blessed Ones left their city in love and concern for the change upon Paradise.

2:38Far from the light, surprised by the shadows that were now about, the Blessed Ones were taken, their power taken by the Three.

2:39And the Three became strong, and the Blessed Ones became few.

2:40And one day, the faceless one spoke to the others, “See these things, these wonders that are ours? See the lies of the so-called Blessed Ones? Are they not weak? Have we not shown that we are superior? We shall take what is ours, even their greatest gift, the crown of the king of the Blessed Ones, Maal.”

2:41But the man of stone and the woman of fire were afraid, for they had seen the crown of the king, and they knew of its power.

2:42The circlet of crystal, this symbol of power, showed many colors, held worlds within it, and on its surface was written the First Word.

2:43But the faceless one had a plan, and spoke it to the two and they were heartened.

2:44They swathed the faceless one in dark cloaks, and bound him with rope that bore false knots, and the stony man carried the faceless one upon his back.

2:45They entered the great hall were the last of the Blessed Ones dwelt and the fiery woman cried out, “Behold! We have captured the elusive stranger, the root of the evil that has come upon Paradise! A gift to the great king Maal! Surely, you wish to put this one to the question!”

2:46And the stony man flung the bundled form at the feet of the king, and the Blessed Ones turned from their contemplation and wonder was on their faces. The king looked at the stranger but could not discern the faceless one in guise, “Who is this, and why have you done this thing? Why are you cloaked?”

2:47And the fiery woman cried out, “Lean closer, my king. Uncloak this stranger and reveal the truth!”

2:48This the king did, leaning over the fallen foe.

2:49Then the faceless one threw off the cloaks, and the ropes dropped away, the knots all a sham.

2:50The faceless one plucked the crown from the king’s head, and in a moment, they fled from the palace, their prize in hand.

2:51There was great anger in the hall of the Blessed Ones, but with the last of the holy relics stolen, weakness came upon them.

2:52Of the last, only five could pursue the criminals. There was the king, Maal, and his right hand Gaal. With them came Baal, and Haal, and Taal.

2:53They ran and they chased, and their strength waned.

2:54The Three mocked them as they fled, the faceless one wearing the crown upon its head. “See? We have your power now! We have your crown! We are the Blessed Ones now!”

2:55Farther and farther the Three led the Five, away from the city, away from Paradise.

2:56The darkness rose around them, the Three carried on.

2:57To the secret place they went, to hide for there was still a fear in them of the Blessed Ones’ wrath.

2:58And still the Five came, and as they neared the place, the secret place, where all of the artifacts and treasures were hid, they felt upon them a renewal, a blessing of strength.

2:59At last, amidst all the wonders, the faceless one knew that perhaps the battle ahead could be lost.

2:60The faceless one tore off the crystal crown and held it aloft crying, “To me, my companions! We shall take this bounty to another place, and there we shall create wonders greater than any before!”

2:61And the faceless one spoke the First Word, and it was done.

2:62The Blessed Ones were abandoned in their shell of Paradise.

2:63The Five were caught in the darkness, ever searching, ever seeking, ever remembering.