The Fiery Goddess

The Fiery Goddess controls all intangible forces in the world. She is the mistress of the passions and emotions. Those forces that shape and change the world and people are derived from Her. Everything that drives us, ambition, greed, love, hate, those galvanizers and shapers of disposition. She controls the natural forces of wind, gravity, rain, inertia, etc. She also rules the two elements of Fire and Darkness. Because of the many forces She controls change so often, she is also representative of Chaos.

Though She has never been seen, the Fiery Goddess has been depicted in art very consistently. She is pictured against a pitch black background as a beautiful woman. She is floating in a very ethrealike way. She wears filmy red silks and is outlined in bright flame. Her hands reach out to the viewer. Her expression and this gesture looks different each time a person looks at the depiction. Each time the viewer sees a different emotion in it: pain, hate, love, anger, supplication, lust, etc.