
The boss was right. We thought him a raving lunatic, but he was right on. It was Butard all along. When all hell broke loose, I had to come back south and set the record straight. Brimstone Jack was right. And this damn book found its way to my hands so I'm writing in it… again.

Literally. All Hell Broke Loose. Butard and his co-conspirators made pacts. Deals with the devil. Those 72 souls I wrote about? Well, they made deals with the powers that be to the highest level, the Chancellor himself, and now these lunatics have been granted infernal powers that have never been seen before. The bluecloaks are now the diabolic fist of this madman. Ah, the irony. They were formed to fight the evil, to root it out. Instead, they are ruled by it, and they have been unwittingly wiping out all potential resistance. Butard crowned himself emperor, proclaiming a new Yrvil was rising. It always comes to that cursed lineage, that old kingdom.

They swept across the southlands with nothing to stop them. They were already in charge in most places anyway! Like Althofen! He shattered the alliance and assassinated the leaders. He secretly sent armies to strategic positions up north to stop any advance. He was brilliant, or he was a puppet of brilliant powers. Those souls of the Lemegeton might be running things.

At the very least, you can tell which Yrvillians have made infernal pacts. They have horns, or a tail now or some other mark. They must be stopped. Emperor Butard must be destroyed!

Marc Havok

Sacred Book of Cursed Travel