947/07/17 - The Journal of Emperor Felipe I

I have decided to begin keeping a journal at the advice of my servants at the School of Divination. Much has happened of late, and I feel as if I am on the cusp of my true destiny. The prophecies of the old sorceress Gevina have made me even more aware that now begins my true reign. I have always felt that I deserved more than this piddly little kingdom at the bottom end of the world. My father was ambitious but lazy. Now, I know that the time has come for our line to outshine those ne’er do well paladins of Gwynyth Raius. What shall happen in the next few years will overshadow everything they have ever done. I will build my empire!

My time spent in the school of Divination was well spent. I learned a few things of the ways of magic, and even more importantly, of the ways of magical items. I always knew that they could tip the balance of power provided the right ones could be found. And now, such a one has indeed come into my hands. The Diviners call it the Amulet of Shadows, and its power has already been proven by that accursed Count Herkel. Now it is in my hands. And that very same day that I touched it, Gevina made her prophecies, so I know this to be true. But I get ahead of myself.

Around the beginning of the year 940 – the amulet is recovered from some undivinable past by a priest of Nychs by the name of Jun Anhanger. Prior to that date, the diviners were unable to discover any information. I will put more resources to work on that question. It may become important to learn this in order to use it properly.

3/15/940 – Jun discards the Amulet into the River ( ). The diviners assure me that it was a deliberate act. Had he learned the use of the Amulet in the 3 months that he had it? They aren’t sure. Perhaps he threw it away because he was afraid of it. I will approach it warily.

6/27/940 – Amulet is fished out of the river by a fisherman, his name is inconsequential. He is of course a peasant true to their very nature.

6/30/940 – Sold to trinket seller for some shiny gold pieces. Bah, but at least it’s on its way to me.

7/17/940 – Sold to Count Herkel. This count here in my own country is a snivelling sort. But he had an eye for magic items it appears and recognized this as something of importance, I’ll give him that. I’m sure he had harbored many dreaming nights of overthrowing me. I’m glad in a way that he found the amulet and not someone else. He actually had the balls to try and use it against me.

7/30/940 – School of Divination discovers command words, paid for by the Count. And here is where I must really thank him. Now the school, which is of course under my thumb, had a clear record of this item and how to use it. Only a few days later I learned of it. I decided to wait and see what he would do with it. Let him get the brunt of any and all curses associated with it.

9/15/940 – Reports have come to me that the dolt thinks he can raise an army of shadows. Nothing ill has befallen him yet, and he’s managed a few raids with these shadows. Looks like it can only be used once per week, a serious drawback for him. Maybe this isn’t worth it after all.

1/21/941 – He’s done it now, killed some messengers of mine. I think he’s had long enough with this toy. Time to eliminate him.

2/15/941 – Easy as pie. Okay, so now I have the amulet. Count Herkel’s head smiles upon the happy subjects of Briv from the battlements of Castle Grynvier. And now I should write down the prophecy that Gevina made today:

Dark obsidian shadows might

Power ursine grows in night.

Be not deceived of the true path

Suffer and lose to the crow king’s wrath

Power for now to gain the world

Given in sacrifice to a hero’s word.

Pockets so light, nurtured in youth

Provides the crystal circle soothe

Divinity’s eye, upon thee then.

World in hand for ye and ken.

For once, the prophecy of the old witch makes some good sense and isn’t garbled in some vague nonsense. She very clearly tells me that this obsidian amulet will bring me power, but at some point I must sacrifice it to gain my true power. The crow king also is fairly clear. Reports from my network have revealed to me that King Trent of Caedir, which sports a stupid bird on their banner, has been missing and is assumed abroad on the mainland. Pockets so light. Well, as it happens, some earlier prophecies of Gevina led me to make my presence and aid known to a few of my underground fledgling servants, and one of these has taken the handle of Lightpockets. I shall keep a very sharp eye on him from now on. And lastly, I shall have the attention of the Divine powers, and the world in my hand. Indeed, this is it!

2/27/941 – I’ve appointed a new Minister of Agriculture, Lord Firien. His background checks out, but seems rather unremarkable. Yet he comes with good praise from my other advisors. I suppose he’s as good as any other, yet something makes me uneasy.

2/28/941 – My first new entry after getting up to date. My first experiment with the Amulet ended today. Summoned the shadows of a few prisoners and had them tear their hosts up. Interesting. The power of the light determines the power of the shadow, thus bright magical light works best. And not only that, the shadow of a powerful warrior is more powerful as one would hope than the shadow of a piddly farmer. They only stick around for a short time, and have a limited range. That won’t do. Going to raid my vaults and see if I can use some of the things there to improve it.

3/4/941 – After searching my vaults and inventory very carefully, I think it might be time to pull out my most prized possessions. This is after all the time of my ascendancy! I shall put the school on a feasibility study on this hypothesis: what will be the effect my Rod of Greater Augmentation upon the amulet as it invokes a shadow? Can these shadows be made permanent through use of my Orb of Permanency? Can the amulet be recharged in some way so that it can be used more than once per week? They dolts expect me to wait a year for their answers. I gave them a month.

5/13/941 – The report is in. Yes, I gave them a month. They had nothing. I had a few apprentices killed. I gave them another week. Same result. I didn’t want to kill apprentices this time, done that. I had their wives raped. I just love motivating my employees. They have confirmed my theories. Tomorrow, we shall try an augmented shadow summoning on a company of my most trusted men. I’ve ordered the head jailer to provide some nice targets to try them out on. I’m looking forward to it!

5/14/941 – What a day! Ah, I wish I could adequately describe the bloodshed I witnessed. It was glorious! These shadows were able to sap the strength right out of the poor slaves. And when slain, some of them later rose as shadows. Commanding those might be a bit tricky, since they are free willed. I’ve put the school on that. Might need to hire some necromancers and priests. But the shadows remain, hidden in the lee of the castle awaiting my commands. Soon now, soon. Now all that remains is solving the problem of the one week use. I must build my shadow army!

8/28/941 – At last, the solution presents itself. It is well that I nourished good relationships with certain key folks. My good friend Kelsay, High Priest of Epolde has provided the answer that I needed. Epolde has the ability to grant a certain spell that can age an object. We will merely age the amulet a week after every use. There is of course a risk of destroying the amulet, so I will do this only to ramp up a good sized army, then taper off once they are ready to begin. We won’t be using it every day anyway since it takes time to accumulate and sort out my shadow donors.

1/12/942 – The army grows well. The soldiers were at first quite shaken by the loss of their shadows, and even worse when they saw what their shadows had become. I decided I had better separate the live men from the shadows for a while.

3/14/942 – Had a close call with the amulet. It shattered, just as we feared it would. Fortunately, we had prepared for this, and Horik immediately altered reality for the past moment and saved it. The army is almost ready, and we can stop pushing the amulet.

3/18/942 – I’ve ordered my shadows and live men to invade Brunei and Bedwyr. Yes, King Louys has always been my puppet, but this is a good place to try out my army. If it works here, then we’ll move on into Bedwyr and Hunsruck. It begins!

4/2/942 – Namyr has fallen and Brunei is mine. The shadow army is invincible! I send them into Bedwyr now.

5/1/942 – This is too easy. Bedwyr and both the Rothlands have fallen. The army is now marching towards Bern to take over Hunsruck. With the added power of the School of Conjuration, things will go even swifter. It won’t be long now until the whole region is mine. Ah, the power! I have them hopping now! No defense can withstand my shadows, and every week I create more.

5/10/942 – Hunsruck has fallen. That’s all my immediate neighbors. We’ll consolidate for a bit, before advancing further. By now the Central Alliance is on alert. I must decide if I start into their lands or head north.

6/1/942 – I’ve ordered my army to invade Saarland. I don’t want to antagonize the clans of Tinagel just yet, nor do I want to even consider Ap Wys until I’ve built up around them first. They may even capitulate if I do it right. Now, my main threat is the Central Alliance. I must hit them quickly before they can build up and move their armies to my borders.

6/12/942 – Reports have come in that several shadow scouting patrols have come up missing in the forests of Brunei. Had better look into this.

6/15/942 – My diviners and network of spies report that Ulrich Grimscht and companions, recent heroes of Gwynyth Raius, have been the cause of my missing patrols. With him is my little Lightpockets. How interesting. I hope he decides to report in. They are making a beeline to Briv.

6/20/942 – I sent Elrin out to meet with the Ulrich’s party to take a good look at them and perhaps warn them off. My intelligence indicates that they are out to take this fine Amulet away from me and stop my "evil ways". Hee. Oh, how heroic! He reported their numbers:

Ulrich the evoker – no small threat here. Evokers are not to be ignored. Horik assures me that he’ll be no problem. Just in case, I think I’ll be taking some special precautions against his magic in the event they somehow get past my defenses.

Yaltan Lunchwicz a stupid warrior – ho hum

Aradil my Lightpockets – maybe he’s not mine at the moment. I should come up with a way to turn him. I’ll try to work through the organization.

Bear – some research shows that Juan Sanchez Valdesio is a native of Deir es Mal. He also appears to be a student of the same arts as Elrin. I believe Elrin already has an interest in dealing with him, so I’ll leave that.

Stormcloak – a priest of Nuath. Not to be ignored.

Darren Krieger – another student of Elrin’s ways, but not as advanced as Bear.

Bran Dervy – warrior, ho hum.

I don’t know what they expect they can do. I’ve got armies protecting this place.

6/22/942 – They did it, those fools! They actually succeeded in breaking into my inner sanctum! Now Elrin and Liam are dead, and Horik only survived because his quick witted apprentice was on hand to bandage him when he appeared in his tower. Oh curse them! We took a few with us, including that annoying evoker. And Lord Firien turns out to be King Trent (I knew I should have put more time into his background investigation). Ah, but the prophecy. Here was a bunch of do gooders with the King of Caedir, the crow king, demanding the amulet. So, I handed it over, very carefully mind you. Now we shall see what shall come of this. I will have my revenge on these paladins, I promise you this.

6/25/942 – The damage has been fully assessed. The captains in charge of my security have been flayed and displayed on the walls. Many prisoners have escaped too. Horik was quite upset to find that his cousin was gone. Well, whatever. I will recover. The loss of the shadow army is a blow. I’ll send in the regulars immediately to keep my new lands. Meanwhile, now that things are a bit calmer, I’m going to follow the trail of these heroes. Loud and clear, my diviners follow their path. It leads south into the new lands that Lord Baula was so intent on exploiting. Maybe they seek to cause an uprising there.

7/03/942 – Arrived in Muret just after the Heroes. My organization reports that King Trent is no longer with them. I’ll have to flay a few more diviners. They should have known he was not with them. He’s vanished it appears. They’ve picked up a transmuter, strange looking sort.

7/16/942 – A most momentous day! Today Lightpockets made contact with the organization. I changed into my Steel Claw guise to meet with him. Haven’t seen him in many years. He was quite surprised to see me. Ha! So he had a most interesting trinket to sell, a crystal circlet of great power. I knew this must be what was spoken of by the witch. I had to have it. He accepted my offer of 5000gp, and wanted a duplicate made. I put all my resources on it. Yes, it cost me much more to make a duplicate than to pay him, but I must have it! Three days…

7/19/942 – I must say this duplicate turned out very well. And Lightpockets closed the deal. It’s mine! Back to Briv.

8/4/942 – After having put my most trusted diviners on the Circlet of Images, for that is its name. They have learned a few things. It has the power to alter reality, but not exactly in the way one thinks. After studying this, they theorize that the universe is truly a multiverse. Where there are layers upon layers of reality each similar to their neighbor but diverging ever farther the more one moves away. Each choice everyone makes is reflected in these images. But this is important, every choice and every consequence exists. Look back at when you got out of the right side of the bed this morning, and in another image you got out of the left side. Maybe you tripped over something on that left side and broke your leg. The circlet has the power to shift a person, or persons, to new images where different choices and consequences exist.

The power is unimaginable. If this is true, there must be a reality, or maybe it makes more sense to say the possibility of a reality, where I rule the world. I can simply use the circlet to make it so! Tomorrow, I rule the world.

8/5/942 – Failure. It didn’t work. Am I to be thwarted when I’m so close?

8/10/942 – They have an answer. The secret of the Circlet lies in choices and specific events. Also, the user must have a very specific outcome of a specific event in mind for it to work (As well as who is to be affected and who is not) My pictured rule of the world was too vague. Besides that would have been boring if it were that easy. I want to make them suffer. I want someone to know what I’m doing. So we tried again, this time I did something simple. I shifted myself and my advisors to a reality where my ancestors chose a rabbit for a sigil instead of the bear. Should have seen all the silly flags and murals about the city. I switched it back of course. That worked too. Everything was just as it was. But we learned something interesting. Horik was to be included in both shifts, yet on the second one, he somehow resisted the change. He still thinks that our proper sigil is the rabbit.

8/11/942 – I was visited by an Aspect today. Ah yes, the attention of the divine begins. As is right and proper, holding the key to the multiverse in my hand, they come groveling to me. It was Arawn. She came to ask for the return of the circlet. I didn’t say I wouldn’t, but I demanded that the only way I would consider such a thing is if Elrin and Liam were restored to life. And this she did. Of course I didn’t give up the Circlet. And I said I would, I just didn’t say when.

8/13/942 – Another visit from the divine. But this is one I’ve never heard about! His name is Mefis. He’s my kind of God. He didn’t ask for the Circlet, or even mention it, but I know that was why he was here. He offered a deal. An alliance. He knew that we were of a like mind. He and his colleagues would assist me in my ascendancy. In the end, he promised godhood! AH! Yes, my true destiny. I hadn’t imagined it possible. But it will be mine. First, the world. So he wanted me to build up my armies to help them attack the priesthoods. To eliminate the Aspects. Fine by me. Let them have their fun. I’ve never thought of attacking a temple before. Should be interesting. I need more resources.

8/15/942 – The diviners have been set upon the task of pouring through history for key events that might have tipped the balance of power throughout the lands to me. Or perhaps provided opportunities for me to move in had we known about them.

8/17/942 – A visit again from the divine. This from Epolde, master of time. Oh he tried to tell me the real history of the Daemoi and how powerfully evil they are. How they want to destroy the Three who have hidden from them in the multiverse. Blah blah blah. But his visit was most fortuitous. The diviners had been telling me that a lot had changed in the realm only 50 years ago. That was when Gwynyth Daius broke up and my father was able to seize control of Deir es Mal, just as the other leaders of todays countries did the same. It was also the time when Myrddin betrayed Gwynyth Raius and set up his country. Something monumental happened in the world at that time. Something that the diviners can’t see. Still, there were a lot of things that they did find. Here is where we will begin the work. I thought I would have to manipulate my father’s history, but Epolde’s visit allowed me to do it even better. I struck a deal with him. I promised that I would yield the circlet to divine hands before I died if he made this change: that for the past 10 generations of my family, my parents had been born 3 years earlier. Using the circlet and his power, yes, I’ll be in my 60s now (but there is regular magic which can keep me youthful), but I will have been 10 years old when these changes in the world occurred. I also used the circlet today. Seems my father really did die mountain climbing when I was 9, and not just suffered two broken legs. Tsk tsk.

8/18/942 – A big day. I’ve decided that I need to carefully document the changes that I make with the circle. The earlier stuff was a little bit touchy. Yes, I’m 60 now and have been ruling for 50 years now, but I look 40 thanks to an elixir of youth I picked up a few years ago. Anyway, there were many adjustments needed with the circlet to make sure that I did all the business that my father had originally did so I ended up with the same country now as before. An exhausting day. Too many uses to document now. But from now on, for sure. I don’t want something to go wrong that was unforeseen and have no way to undo it. Tomorrow we begin.

8/19/942 – Changes:

OLD – 4/5/896 – Myrddin spies are sent to assassinate Duke Freinholz of Gwynyth Daius and are successful. The chaos that ensues, and the weak (and lack of) leadership in Arhus, causes the complete fracturing of the oldest of the provinces of Gwynyth Raius. Duke Freinholz has no heirs, thus there is nothing to keep it together. My father Estefan was one of Duke Freinholz’s advisors, and had attempted to keep things together by talking with Dans Bruss of the clans. He failed. Dans, the ever-wild clansman encouraged the breakup.

NEW – 4/5/896 – Dans Bruss is convinced to support my father as the new Duke of Gwynyth Daius. Order is maintained. Naturally, when my father dies on the mountain (oops) I inherit the Dukedom. I am the Duke of Gwynyth Raius.

NEW2 – 6/7/902 – At the age of 15 now, and fully a man with 6 years of rulership, I am not questioned internally when I submit the formal declaration of secession to Arhus. Thus the king of Deir es Mal is formed.

NEW3 – 6/17/902 – Hythe III receives my declaration. I ensure that history writes that he accepts it and legalizes it.

8/25/942 – Yes, my nice kingdom is running smoothly, and has been for decades. I sent queries through my networks to see if there were any perceptions that things shouldn’t be as they are. Not a one. I have always ruled my large coastal kingdom. Everything is working out perfectly. Because Myrddin’s role is so pivotal at the time of 50 years ago, I know that I can exploit much to change it to me. I shall be the one he serves. Yes, I shall make him my vassal and his revolt shall be at my command. Thus, will Gwynyth Raius fall to me!

8/26/942 – FAILED. WHY? HOW? How can I not change his history? I set up an event where emmisaries of mine met with him 2 years, 3 years, 1 year, 1 month before his scheduled revolt. Nothing. He couldn’t be touched. He was a perfect and loyal paladin. I tried to change history after the revolt. Nothing. I tried changing things so that he would have a fallen infrastructure and would have to come to me to help. Nothing. I tried to change his borders even slightly. Nothing. Of course, I undid all these changes when I knew they had failed. No sense having strange eddies and currents causing later unwanted repercussions. How can he defy this power? I must know.

9/2/942 – STILL NOTHING CHANGES WITH MYRDDIN. Fine. I shall build up my empire around him. Perhaps that will provide some new historical events I can exploit. Changes:

OLD - 7/13/928 The conjurer master Butard is angry at how his master Huan is ruling the country and the school of Conjuration. He challenges his master to a duel and wins, assuming control of both himself.

NEW – 7/10/928. Bribes are sent by me to 3 of the leading masters of the school, warning of Butard’s intentions. I buy them off, telling them that should they support his attempt in any way, that economic ties will be severed.

NEW – 7/11/928. I send messengers to Butard, surprising him with my foreknowledge of his plan for the duel. Warning him that he won’t have support by the other masters. I let him check it out.

NEW – 7/12/928. Knowing now that he won’t be supported, I send another message. This time giving him my full support for his takeover. In return, he will become my vassal.

NEW – 7/13/928. As the duel with Butard finishes, my assassins kill the 3 masters I had bribed.

NEW – 7/20/928. The formal treaty is signed. I have two kingdoms under my command. I am an EMPEROR.

9/7/942 – Another visit from a god. This one frightened me. Hiisi appeared like nothing I’ve ever imagined. He didn’t ask, he didn’t beg. He just took Elrin.

9/12/942 – Elrin has returned. He’s very different. His skin is darkening, and he has a gleam of power about him that I’ve never seen. He has forgotten all his former teachings. He’s now a priest of this dark god.

9/13/942 - Another visit from an Aspect. Epolde warning me that my ministrations of history will have grave consequences. I hear the violins playing. Listen to all the children sobbing, little Aspect. Yeah, right.

9/14/942 – The key to the central alliance has been discovered by the diviners.

OLD – 1/29/898. Myrddin’s ambition was never just the lands that we all knew he controlled. He made a little known push into the southlands, directly into the Central Alliance. At the time, their armies were on the croyan borders, and were almost unable to reach the Myrddin border in time to prevent it. It was the heroic ride of a Sgt. Coltrane that got the word to the army about the invasion timely enough to get them in place.

NEW – 1/29/898. Coltrane’s horse throws a shoe and breaks a leg. Consequently, word doesn’t get there in time. Myrddin’s army is able to penetrate into Lignia and dig in. The Alliance army becomes the attacker and is unable to force them out. They need help.

NEW – 9/12/897. I order my armies to set up in the Hunsruck borders, just happen to be close by to the Central Alliance.

NEW – 8/24/898. Councilor Slevky, prime spokesperson of the alliance, decides to take that whore to bed that he previously refused. Oh darn, she’s diseased. He’ll die a few weeks later.

NEW – 1/30/898. My messenger makes the offer of military aid, and a flick of the circlet ensures they accept.

Naturally, my army never left, and I was able to strongarm them into signing the treaties which made them another member of my Empire. No circlet needed here.

9/16/942 - A visit from Mefis. He has the final plans that we talked about last month. The target, Nuath's High Temple in Saarland. This will nicely bring that last country in the south under my control. He also had some ideas about keeping the populace under my control. My empire is large now, and there's an increasing chance with the increasing population of revolt. Religion has ever been a way of unifying peoples. His idea has much merit. I shall put the question to the School to see if they can figure out how I can use the Circlet to set up the religious changes he wants. This is something new, and I don't know if the Circlet can do that. In the meantime, I've ordered the army to move towards Urfahr. I've also made sure that a number of wizards are present for this one.

9/17/942 – Croy will be easy

NEW – 3/4/899. I send emissaries to Croy with a few wagons of gold to bribe them into joining the Empire, offering concessions for trade monopolies.

NEW – 3/15/899. A nudge with the circlet on the following merchant councillors: Anton, Huor, Gullivans. The rest agree without the nudge needed. They accept.

9/19/942 – Krewald was a tricky one. The key to that country is of course their economic power of the Great Caravans. I will have that revenue! The diviner who came up with this tidbit has been rewarded well.

OLD – 8/1/901. A disease ravages the pig stock of a small area of the northern parts of the country. A priest of Mielik and a priest of Cecht come to cure the problem.

NEW – 8/1/901. The horse population is susceptible to the disease.

NEW – 7/23/901. The bandits that were chased off by the two priests on their way down don’t run away. The priests are captured and sold into slavery.

NEW – 6/25/901. The horse of the rutabaga farmer Halvins is infected as he rides to the capital to sell his harvest.

The horse population of Krewald is decimated. By the beginning of 898, they have nothing to pull their caravans. The leaders are frantic to buy horses from their neighbors, who happen to be…ME. You know what my conditions are of course. No nudging needed.

NEW - 8/30/904. Sent a contract to the Krewaldian Trade Company to buy out controlling shares in the trading company.

NEW - 9/12/904. The following Krewaldian members are nudged to sign on: Fessa, Gullivan, Nayder.

9/21/942 - The school has it. Again, they come through. Ah the resources of an army of diviners, the secret of my true power. The secret to a religious belief is time. The older a story is, and the more often it is told, the more it is accepted as gospel. Thus, we shall simply go back to the beginnings when the belief of the Aspects were just starting, and add a few divine visions across the realm of the slumbering god of the harvest, Gaal. Then, a generation ago, we'll reveal to the priests of this old religion the "truth" of Nuath’s treachery and the slaying of Gaal’s son. Then the transformation of Gaal can proceed without any use of the Circlet and it will be accepted.

NEW - [DM aside - too many dates and people, but they are all enumerated here with exact implantations of divine visions of Gaal the slumbering harvest god, 900 years ago. Mostly farmers. Then a few changes across the centuries to make sure the religion is established, a few churches built, so on. Co-existing with the current Aspects]

9/32/942. I want an island. Vaius will do. The School of Enchantment will prove to be a most powerful tool. I will have it. The ports and shipbuilding skills of the Feghans will also prove important in building my navy. I don’t want to do it now. Lets say I did it about 40 years ago. When the empire is young, and perhaps I was expected to flex my muscle. The diviners can’t discover any key events that will hand everything over to me wholesale. I think what is necessary is this:

    1. Send the army in to invade Colym.

    2. Neutralize several key members of the school of enchantment so they can not or will not commit to any kind of defense of the country.

    3. Change history on the battles until I win.

    4. Nudge decisions of the school and government to accept my authority.

    5. Nudge the decisions of the neighboring leaders about defending themselves and accepting my grand proposals to become part of the new empire.

NEW - [Exact details of the whole affair as described above, every little change that he made with the circlet is laid out]

9/27/942 - Tomorrow the attack. Nuath will die. I have decided to include that little party that visited me a few weeks ago in this use of the Circlet, especially that priest of Nuath. I want him to see my victory. I want him to know that I’ve not only killed his Aspect, I’ve also completely discredited him with the entire world. Nuath will be a criminal. A dead one, hated and reviled by all. I want them to KNOW, and not be in the dark like everyone else.

9/28/942 – A momentous day. It worked according to plan. Nuath is slain, and Gaal is quite happy. At least I think so. He certainly looked it for a moron. That bit about the spear though, most disturbing. We’ll see what that means. There was a slight wrinkle. My diviners assigned to watching the party were suddenly cut off, but not before they realized that my little Lightpockets was in trouble. He could be useful, so we decided to retrieve him, Elrin, Horik and I. I’m going to send him on a little journey into Myrddin with a few trusted others. I need to know the secret of his power and how he can thwart the Circlet.

Saarland is mine, what remains of it. I own the whole continent except for Ap Wys, Gwynyth Raius, and Myrddin. All of those will be the most difficult.

NEW - [More details in exact precision of what changes were required to set up the mythical death of the son of Gaal by Nuath’s hand]

1/15/943 - No entries for a while. I took a break from using the circlet to supervise and inspect the damage at Urfahr. Total loss. No big deal. I have many cities now.

3/20/943 - This whole dwarven thing with the Croyans is getting annoying. Having some dwarven slaves around would be novel as well. I could have them rebuild my castle, and fix the roads. A handy workforce would go a long way to benefiting my empire. I think we’ll solve this problem, oh, say, 23 years ago. Sounds about right. I’ll change history that I ordered the imperial armies into Dun then. I’ll probably lose, but then we’ll have some battles for the diviners to examine how I lost. Then I can change certain key elements of each of those battles until I win. And I want the heroes to know this change has been made. I don’t know where they are, but they’ll know, oh yes, they’ll know.

NEW - 5/3/920. Emperor Felipe orders the imperial armies to invade Dun.

[DM - over the next page or so, journal entries contain exact details of how he changed key battles in the war against Dun until ultimately, Dun was conquered. The changes continue the theme of little things: a messenger fell into a crevasse carrying key orders and info; a rockfall closes off a road so reinforcements are late; etc]

7/29/943 - I want a new castle. I wanted it now. I don’t want to have to sit through the years long construction process. I’ll have them start building it say 10 years ago. Should be enough for this army of dwarven slaves that are always underfoot.

NEW - [Exact details how the diviners found a certain architect who before was too timid to approach the emperor, but was changed so he did. Nudges to Felipe himself in the past, so that he would see and accept the architect, changes to make sure supplies are directed to the right place, work parties sent to the mines at the right time, etc.]

7/30/943. Ah, the castle is almost complete. No matter that they’ve been working on it for 10 years. This dual memory of mine is becoming quite interesting. Because of the circlet, I know both timelines. My mind is becoming full of all these possibilities and truths about what is and what is not real. I can see the threads and paths of choice and choices, action and consequences. I think I’m attuning even further to the Circlet. I am becoming like a god!

9/1/943 - SON OF A BITCH! Key leaders and elements of my empire have managed to turn on me and join with those pansy knights of Gwynyth Raius. Including that traitorous King Butard. Gone they are up north to fight against Myrddin. I was hoping that Myrddin would eliminate them for me, but they’ve been routed. I will have the heads of those rebels upon my walls, I promise you that.

On a side note, it’s interesting to see these legendary elves running around. They are a mystery. Where did they come from? Why are they showing themselves now? A job for the School.

2/2/944 - Well, the Gwynyth Raiuns and Myrddin are still duking it out. I want to solve this Ap Wys problem. That will turn over to me the Abjurers, Mentalists, and the priesthood of Duath. It occurs to me that that country’s purpose is to keep people out. Just as well, it could be used to keep people in. Wouldn’t that be a fine ironic twist? I shall turn the realm’s sanctuary into my personal prison. Ap Wys was part of Gwynyth Daius of course, and though that became the first part of my empire, they didn’t sign on. It would have been difficult to get them to do so. Now we shall settle that. I also want those little heroes to know that I can change even this. I shall include them on this change.

The diviners have found the key events that could be used. Forty five years ago, two of the leading masters of the school of Mentalism died, naturally actually, leaving a power vacuum that was soon filled by some leading masters of the time. We shall change it so that instead of those, two others of my choosing are accepted. With a few other changes, we’re confident I can control the school. They key to the region is that school, my analysts show. The mentalists control and train all those that screen entry into the country. Once we control that, we can move other dissidents into position through the borders unstopped, and have them insinuate over the years into the other school and priesthood. I think we can target 27 years ago, after 18 years of work by my agents to move in and up the hierarchies, as the time when Ap Wys will officially join the Empire and become my prison.

NEW - [DM - Again, exact and precise details of each use of the circlet to change history as he wants it. This one has a lot of misfires and retries, trying one thing, seeing it fail, undoing it, then trying something else. Ultimately, the outcome is as he has planned, over the course of a few months of work with the circlet and the School]

5/24/944 - The power of the wizard is becoming very apparent. I’m surrounded by representatives from the 8 schools I control. Now, I’m regretting the change in direction I made as a youth. I first studied at the school of divination as you know, but then at the urging of my father, switched vocations to that of the armed man. It’s served me very little.

NEW - 7/11/927 - Felipe does NOT leave the school of Divination to train in the ways of the warrior.

NEW - 2/23/911 - The masters of the school of Divination elect to train Felipe in the ways of general magic instead of the ways of the specialist diviner.

6/26/944 - In preparation of my coming godhood, I believe I should have more godlike attributes. The power of the Circlet is becoming more and more clear each time I use it. I can look back at the threads of my life, to the very womb, and change the smallest things. So that I may do this again, I shall write this down very carefully. My goal: I shall be the smartest of all men, the fastest, the wisest, the healthiest, and the most charismatic leader.

NEW - [DM - this is the weirdest part of the whole journal. Here he fiddles with his bloodline in all his ancestors, slightly enhancing and changing attributes that are inherited. Yes, in todays world maybe its genetics that he’s changing, in the Realm, he’s able to make his great,great grandfather an award winning sprinter, etc. It gets even weirder after several changes that cause him to be deformed, hunchbacked, clubfooted, and on several occasions, he nearly wipes himself out of existence by childhood deformities and illnesses. In the end, he prevails.]

Success, my friend. Success. I am indeed the most powerful of all men now. Yes, I nearly killed myself. But I felt I was in no real danger. I know how this circlet works. I can foresee now the changes even as I make them. My mind is encompassing all of reality and time!

8/11/944 - Horik, noting my new presence has finally convinced me that he needs some changes as well. I shall make him smarter.

NEW - [More changes outlined here, but more precisely and easily done. Like a surgeon, a few uses of the circlet on some very strange places and ancestors, and Horik is a more intelligent man.]

2/20/945 - I shall undust the Circlet today. It is time to prevent another occurrence of revolt like that of King Butard. I shall leave his event untouched. Why you may ask? I’m getting tired of using the circlet so much. It’s too easy. There’s no challenge. I’ve had months of boring government. A god like myself needs something to do. This shall provide it. I shall conquer Gwynyth Raius and Myrddin, and even the island of Taius and those necromancers, on my own in the here and now. Still, I can’t have my empire so prone to fracturing.

NEW - 8/11/934 - Emperor Felipe dissolves the leadership of the kingdoms of the Empire and institutes the Provinces. Each ruled by a Governor that answers directly to him and has dictatorial power.

2/25/945 - Sigh. Even the transition to governors decades ago is causing problems. I look back and see historical cases where I had to send the armies to take out governors that thought I had trusted. A little more fiddling of history is needed.

NEW - 9/20/934 - Emperor Felipe orders a family member of each governor to be taken and held outside of their province. This shall be standard practice.

Okay, so if I were one of these governors, I wouldn’t care if my daughter or whatever were killed if I took some power. I’ll just have to make a few changes to make sure that those I appoint are in truth those that value such things even if I don’t. They rule so much better and earn trust of those they govern. Plus, I have the hindsight of history. If I made a bad decision years ago, all I have to do is change it. I AM a god. I have the ability to make a perfect Empire! All shall know and be content that my way is the best and always has been.

NEW - [DM - More pages of slight changes, down to the nitty gritty. Tweaking his provincial governors and their policies, wiping out any and all revolts as they happen. In the end, after months of this, the entries become fewer and fewer as the Empire becomes Utopia in Felipe’s eyes. But to the reader, quickly becomes one where Big Brother (the eye of the future king) watches and steps in immediately to quell any trouble. Troops are put into place with the prescient word of Felipe of the present to eliminate all troubles. Innovative and revolutionary minds that reveal themselves to history meet with disaster when they are young before they can come into their own.]

6/12/945 - Gwynyth Raius has succeeded in reaching my borders in the city of Ham. I have of course ordered my armies up into that area to make sure they don’t invade. I’m sure they will. This will be exciting. I can show them my military dominance and Divine Right.

7/18/945 - A visit from an Aspect, this time Concin. He offered to improve my mind and cure my "insanity". Ha! They only seek to take the circlet from me. He would wipe my mind. I am fortunate that he couldn’t just do it, now that I hold the Circlet with me. I keep it with me at all times. The Aspects could truly wipe me out of existence if it weren’t for this. They are jealous!

7/19/945 - I called for the Daemoi. I was answered by the one I really didn’t want to see. Hiisi. I begged him to shield me and my castle from the Aspects. From all intrusions! I will NOT have the circlet taken from me! He has graciously put a shield of power around the castle. I am safe here. Nothing can get in!

1/12/946 - I step outside for just a moment to inspect my troops, and what happens? The Aspects take advantage of it. Elysenika finds me away from my shielded walls and tries to explain to me that I’m ruining all of existence. That if I continue to use the Circlet to foment the powers of the Daemoi, that ultimately they will convince me to unravel the multiverse for them. Jealous. They just want me to give it to them.

2/7/946 - A visit from Mefis again. It is time for the second part of their revenge, and again he comes asking for my help. Yes, I suppose I will give it to him. He knows his place. That I am the master. No demands for the circlet. I will enjoy destroying yet another Aspect. I shall let the "heroes" know as well this time and despair. We shall follow the same plan as before to get Baal set as the true slumbering God of Healing as with Gaal. I’ve set the school on it already. And on the day of the attack, I’ll set up a slight change in that mythic son of Gaal, so that he doesn’t die immediately, but goes to Cecht for healing and is refused. I think we’ll make Gaal and Baal brothers. Yes.

Mefis’ plan of how to draw out Cecht is quite brilliant. It will require some special choices in leadership and men to conduct all that maiming in Bremer.

3/1/946 - I’ve sent the orders to move the armies to Bremer. The main army guarding the borders with Gwynyth Raius will get their orders around the 13th. That should get them to Bremer on the 1st of Feurer Monat for the attack right on time.

3/13/946 - BY THE RED HAIR OF MEFIS! A revolt in Croy?? How could I have missed this! That son of a bitch governor Antonio has been the pinnacle of loyalty to me. And now he pulls this. I shall send the army now to quell this revolt, but it will weaken my northern defenses. I imagine Gwynyth Raius will probably invade for now. No matter, the province of Hemelsyn could use some bloodshed. That governor is a spineless bastard. I’ve ordered the school to look into this revolt and what caused it.

4/1/946 - Ah, Cecht is slain. But not by the hand of Gaal. She suicided. Oh, I’m soo touched by her act. She’s gone, and now I used the Circlet just as we had planned:

NEW - [DM aside - too many dates and people, but they are all enumerated here with exact implantations of divine visions of Baal the slumbering true healing god, 900 years ago. Then a few changes across the centuries to make sure the religion is established, a few churches built, so on. Co-existing with the current Aspects]

NEW - [More details in exact precision of what changes were required to set up the mythical maiming of the son of Gaal by Nuath’s hand, his subsequent escape and coming to Cecht to beg for mercy. Her absolute refusal and reasons for it.]

4/9/946 - The Diviners have learned some more of this revolt in Croy. But what is most revealing is the lack of information in several places. For instance, it appears that the death of Kelsay the High Priest of Epolde, and the raid on the Imperial prison in Nothelm are related in some way. The prison is obvious as Antonio’s daughter was being held there. But what is most curious is the fact that they can’t look at these events. Its as if something is blanking them. And we have already learned that Ulrich’s heroes have this power. They are responsible. We shall soon see to them. I have increased the price on their heads through the underground.

4/24/946 - As expected, Gwynyth Raius has invaded. I’ll let them get in a bit, then surround them and seal them off from retreat. Then annihilate them.

4/30/946 - A magical report from General Malice and Lightpockets. It seems that Ulrich’s heroes are getting around. They have managed to slay Myrddin. Immediately, I tried to use the circlet to change a small thing there, but it failed. The power remains. I’ve ordered General Malice to track down the heroes and follow them.

5/5/946 - Another report from General Malice. The dark temples, which they have never been able to infiltrate, have all crumbled to the ground. Massive upheavals. Apparently all the undead have faded to dust. Immediately, I try again. I change the banner of Myrddin from the golden lion to a golden chicken. It works! I change it back. We shall soon have this too! We must find out what it was that caused all this and why its not there anymore. More orders to General Malice.

6/6/946 - Myrddin is in complete chaos from border to border. Now is the time to start moving in. I’ve ordered Malice and the priests in the party to start setting up temples and to set up an Imperial presence in the capital. Meanwhile, I shall further divide my army, the one facing the revolt in croy, to start a northward invasion into Myrddin.

6/28/946 - Too divided. That stupid Gwynyth Raius has taken the provincial capital of Hemelsyn. I’m sending reinforcements up that way. And two days ago, word came that the Croyan forces successfully held off my armies. I might have to deal with this revolt with the circlet after all. This is fun, however.

7/15/946 - Ah, victory. We’ve unseated Gwynyth Raius from the capital, and they are falling back. All without the circlet. My power is supreme.

8/3/946 - A sweet night. My priests of Gaal attended me this evening and informed me that Stormcloak is dead. They even presented me with his still warm heart, ripped from his chest by the hand of Gaal. I feasted upon it as I had the jailers bring up a few rebel worshippers of Nuath to flay for dinner entertainment.

8/21/946 - My agents in Arhus inform me that they have lost track of Ulrich’s heroes. I’ve had a few of them killed as incentive for the others to find them again.

1/10/947 - The diviners have unraveled the origins of the revolt in Croy. Apparently, Ulrich’s heroes had to do several things in order for the revolt to proceed. It wasn’t their idea. They had to recover a master spiritualist from seclusion, free the daughter, kill the High priest, enlist the support of a powerful trade coalition, and neutralize the school of Alteration. That last is what caught me by surprise. The excuses of the masters that they were "Undermanned" and "unable to send help to the army" were believable until I heard that they were bought off. This is what I will change. I will also make sure that there is a significant personnel change there in the next year.

OLD - 6/16/945 Dray Drawknife meets with rebel elements (Masters Devol, Lucina, and Getu) in the school of Alteration and convinces them to neutralize the school’s involvement with any revolt in Croy.

NEW - 4/13/944 - Master Devol is transferred from the school in Speyer to Newry Fegha

NEW - 1/12/942 - Mistress Lucina decides to marry that guy after all, and leaves the school.

NEW - 9/21/902 - The masters of the school of Alteration deny entry to the young man Getu.

3/11/947 - Some changes are needed.

NEW - 3/13/946 - Felipe orders the army at the northern border to split into 3 parts. One to defend the province of Hemelsyn. One to head to Bremer, one to head to the southern borders of Myrddin to meet with the existing forces there.

NEW - 6/6/946 Felipe orders the armies at the southern border of the chaotic Myrddin to invade.

4/21/947 - All is going quite well. Gwynyth Raius sent a token force into Myrddin, led by General Jurgen. My forces under the command of General Malice have taken the entire southern portion of Myrddin. They will meet the GR forces in a few days.

5/1/947 - The battle of Aken occurred today. We routed GR completely. General Jurgen was slain, and it appears that a young paladin was able to assume some sort of control and avert the annihilation of their forces. They are running out. I’ve ordered General Malice to let them go. We’ll herd them northward.

5/8/947 - My armies caught up with the retreating Gwynyth Raius Forces that came out of Lingyn in the city of Ham. They would have been surrounded but for a small spearhead force led by King Trent. Oh, I owe him! But let me continue, they did succeed in opening up a hole for the rest to escape through, but we decimated that spearhead. And now King Trent has been captured and is even now on his way here! Ah, I shall feast on his heart too!

5/9/947 - A visit from Loghi, wanting to get in on the action. He thinks I can actually trust him and his offers for aid? I must learn to stop leaving my castle. They seem to be waiting for me to pounce whenever I do. This shall be the last time.

5/18/947 - A visit from Mefis again. The groundwork for their third assault will begin. The target is Lugh, and his High Temple is just a few cities over from here. I’ll have to call down a segment of my army camped outside of Arhus. Will take them a few weeks to get here. In the meantime, we shall set up the new scenario: that of the evil wizard Lugh and the true god of magic, Maal, imprisoned by Cecht and Nuath.

NEW - [DM - more details on how exactly he sets up the religion of Maal, and the belief, not actual happenings, but belief set into the minds of key people around the realm at the same time, that Lugh was a wizard who wanted power. A few changes into the origins of history’s most notorious evil wizards including Vald and Kurgar.]

7/2/947 - Tomorrow, the attack on Lugh will commence. We shall watch it on the magic mirror, at least those of us present. I’ve sent a number of my top wizards here to the site since the rest are up around Arhus. I didn’t want to risk weakening any of the forces up there any more than necessary. I also think I’ll bring up Trent to watch with us. I want him to witness the destruction of Gaal firsthand.