Visions of Hysor for Sir Sabathius

Not a breath of wind stirred that whole journey through the night. But now, a breeze blew across your cheek, and you stirred from your breathless sleep becoming aware once again. Sitting upright in your saddle, you were witness to a brilliant gold comet streaking through the sky. Not afraid, you watched it loom larger as it flew into the clearing. Now closer, it can be recognized as a brilliant golden dragon, with a man astride its neck on a high white saddle. He bears the standard of a simple white banner, unfurled and streaming as the dragon flies. Softly, the dragon lands in the clearing before you, not disturbing even the smallest plant with its great touch. Golden eyes regard you gravely as it bows its head to allow its rider to dismount.

Hysor, for this is who you know in your heart who this must be, is wearing a full suit of pure white armor, but without a helmet. Belted at his waist is a sword, and a kite shield is strapped to the saddle: sky blue with the unfurled banner upon it. He stands as a normal man, with no beard, and light blond hair. His presence cannot be mistaken. His voice is a soft tenor, and kindly.

Arise my son, for I have need of a champion in this world in these times.

Behold, that task which I and my brethren had once thought done has become unraveled. The doors we sealed are cracked, and shall soon be thrust open. The malice of Mefis lies deep in the world, yet.

He has crowned an emperor, Lucifer, and this emperor strives to be mightier than old Maaluk who was slain by Nuath’s hand eons ago in the great War of Maaluk which signified the start of the Epoch of Devenira.

Three thousand years ago, the Reyman Empire was vast and in its glory. The Aspects walked freely among them at that time and were pleased with the works of mortals. We bestowed many gifts upon them, and they gave us worship and crafted fair things for us. Loghi, jealous and always eager to cause evil, drew to him many a mortal of like mind. The greatest of these mortals he gave divine gifts and power. This was Maaluk. Transformed by the evil in his soul and the power of Loghi, he became a great devil able to threaten the very power of the Aspects. He raised an army that swept through the Empire with darkness and war. Many a valiant light of knowledge and goodness was extinguished in that time. The empire would surely have been consumed if not for the joining of myself, Duath, Foersyn, Vodethyn, and Nuath. We led the army of light in many battles, some in victory such as the Battle of Souls Despair. And some in defeat, the worst at the Battle of the Black Forest. The last battle was fought outside the gates of the great city of Reym itself. There, Nuath met and defeated Maaluk in single combat.

Then, by the power of Duath and myself, we cast down the dark horde of devils into the dark places of the lower realms, through doorways that Elysenika had created for us. We sealed those doorways forever. Or so we thought.

The eons passed, and we thought the matter closed. On occasion, a misguided mortal would summon a dweller from the dark places. Always, that mortal would pay for their mistake in the end. You were slain in such a place where such things were done.

Then, a score of years ago, the Daemoi was permitted entrance into our realm. The multiverse trembled in fear at its power, magnitudes beyond The Three. It became Five, much like the Three each became Nine. Baaldazeron poisoned, Gaal destroyed, Hiisi consumed, Mefis plotted, and Tuoo tortured. But the very fabric of the multiverse kept them from achieving their goals. Mefis felt the great hordes of darkness sealed away beyond his reach, and greatly desired to free them to aid their cause. He created agents from fallen and stolen souls to work towards this goal.

Then, these agents uncovered a prize. A prison where the Reymans had cast 72 of the worst offenders of the Empire, a full two thousand years before even the War of Maaluk. Old beyond imagining, these souls had festered in their prison, consumed even further in their own corruption. They were the perfect tools of Mefis, for they had much knowledge that has since been forgotten.

The Daemoi was cast out into the Darkness again, and we are free of its threat. For now. But the seeds planted by Mefis have taken root and continue to work his will. For this seed among perhaps many, I must assume some responsibility.

The Aspects no longer walk among mortals, however. Thus, I choose champions and give aid as I am able.

Go now. I have armed you with Knowledge. Seek not these agents and challenge them, for they will surely defeat you as you are now. It is not yet time. Grow stronger, for I will have need of strong experienced champions.

Take these scrolls and rejoin your companions, for they will have need of them.