Mielik (The Huntress)

Chaotic neutral

Mielik is the aspect of the hunt, archery, and beasts. All those who make their livelihood from beasts make offering to her, including most rangers and many elves. Most of those that draw the bow send a prayer her way for a clean and true shot. She advocates the natural balance of predator and prey. She gives few commands:

  • Do not fear or condemn the savagery of nature.

  • The law of the hunt is this: hunt or be hunted.

  • Seek excellence and perfection in your pursuit.

Suggested Domains: Life, Nature

Mielik demands skill, excellence, and precision from her worshipers. Her followers often seek mastery of the archery or the hunt, spending much of their time in pursuit of perfection. Archery and hunting are close cousins of war, and many of her worshipers find themselves in the arts of war at some time of their lives, acting as artillery or scouts. Mielik is an honorable champion who delights in demonstrations of courage and skill from beasts and those who hunt them. The wilderness is her favored domain where can be found the true balance of predator and prey, and her followers are often largely connected with those places.