
Chaotic good

All creatures in need for ease of pain pray to Cecht. As the aspect of healing, she is the patron of all healers and physicians, and almost all knowledge of the healing arts is derived from her. She directs her followers thus:

  • Alleviate suffering wherever you find it.

  • Give succor to the injured, and help the weak when they cannot be strong.

  • Offer mercy to your foes and compassion when understanding is lacking.

Suggested Domains: Life, Peace

Cecht stands as life's advocate, taking the life domain as her primary concern. To her, all creatures deserve to live and deserve her love and mercy, thus she also takes the love domain. Life is sacred, and thus deserving of protection, especially the weak and suffering, thus she takes protection as her final domain.

Cecht's followers believe in the sanctity of life and will sacrifice themselves in pure causes to protect those who need help. True to her nature, most of her followers are friendly, encouraging, and empathic folk.