
Lawful neutral

Elysenika is the aspect of the stars, the moon, planes, gates, and portals. She knows all that exists throughout the multiverse. Sages and seekers of lost things often offer her a prayer for help. Cartographers in particular are often priests of Elysenika, or offer her prayer to give their maps accuracy. Her teachings are simple:

  • No place is unreachable, no goal unattainable; there is a way to reach any place from where you are.

  • Nothing is ever lost unless it is destroyed.

  • Destroy the cults of Hiisi at every opportunity, for they seek the eternal void.

Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Nature, Twilight

People place many different meanings on the moon. Some see it as a symbol of predictable cycles and time. Others take it as a sign of change, a symbol of magic, or an emblem of beauty and love. Elysenika takes from the moon the symbol of creation and the transition of its phases as representative of travel through existence. She was intimately involved in hammering the raw creation of the cosmos, guiding its formation into the world and planes that mortals and other beings can thrive in. Her knowledge is that of all that is hidden. She drives her followers to seek out new paths and discover and rediscover what has been lost.