Mac Lyr

Chaotic neutral

Mac Lyr is the aspect of the oceans, rivers, and lakes. Any waterway, depth of the sea, and pounding surf holds the hand of Mac Lyr. Sailors wishing a good and safe journey pray to and worship Mac Lyr to appease his fickle moods. Fisherman make offerings to him so that he will release the bounty that he keeps. He is a wrathful aspect, vengeful and moody, and he exerts his power with harsh punishment.

  • From the sea, all life comes: water is the wellspring and beginning.

  • Seek mastery of the ocean, and suffer the wrath of the maelstrom.

  • Appease the ocean to reap its bounty.

Suggested Domains: Tempest

The sea is a mighty force in the world. It offers the bounty of fish, the threat of storms, a means for commerce and exploration, and a wilderness in which ships and sailors sometimes vanish without a trace. As a fickle aspect, Mac Lyr helps or harms as the whim strikes and his followers worship him for the luck that may influence his moods. Mac Lyr claims uncontested rule of the seas, and his whim is iron law. When he is roused to anger, his wrath comes in endless waves of destruction, and when brought to sympathy, he offers up astonishing treasures lost to the sea.