Vodethyn the Just

Lawful neutral

Vodethyn is the aspect of civilization and justice. He is the muse of great invention, founder of cities, and author of laws. Rulers, judges, pioneers, and devoted citizens revere him, and his temples hold prominent places in most of the world's major cities. His priesthood concerns itself with the apprehension of criminals, and the creation of better and more just laws. His laws are many, but their purpose is straightforward:

  • Work with others to achieve your goals. Community and order are always stronger than disjointed efforts of lone individuals.

  • Tame the wilderness to make it fit for habitation, and defend the light of civilization against the encroaching darkness. Build cities and build empires.

  • Apprehend and punish transgressors of the law according to the rules of society.

Suggested Domains: Forge, Order, War

Vodethyn sees civilization as the means of bringing order and illumination to a dark and chaotic cosmos. For him, any culture of laws advances society better than the wild aspirations of individuals. Large and stable communities give people the chance to create the inventions that further propel the ascendancy of civilization as a whole. Vodethyn views justice as the driving force behind civilization. Without law - without the shared understanding of what should and should not be - society dissolves into chaos. To Vodethyn, vengeance represents the harsh punishment that is sometimes necessary to redress the abuses an evil-doer has done against society.