Chapter I

1:1Gaal was the most peaceful of the Five in Paradise.

1:2He had a kind word for the beasts, and spent his contemplation basking in the warmth of the harvest of grain.

1:3And thus is he known as the Harvester.

1:4But Gaal was most wroth of the Five Blessed Ones at the crimes of the Three.

1:5For his son had been among the Blessed Ones slain at the hands of the Three during the times of darkness.

1:6And Gaal declared, “An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! A son for a son!”

1:7And Gaal found an old suit of armor and he put it on.

1:8And he found an old rusty halberd, and he dusted it off.

1:9And he knelt before King Maal and begged for release to seek out the children of the Three to pay the debt.

1:10And King Maal was sad, but named one child each of the Three that must pay the price.

1:11And the King spoke, “The son of the woman of fire, Nuath, must be slain. Take from him the two spears of the Blessed One Qaal, the things of power he held in guard of the city in Paradise.”

1:12And Gaal took his halberd, and met Nuath in battle at the place that Nuath held dear.

1:13And Gaal cleaved the head from the body of the son of the woman of fire.

1:14And Gaal took one of the spears of Qaal.

1:15But Nuath was as crafty as his parent, and he contrived that the second spear be given to a man, Stormcloak, who ran and hid from Gaal.

1:16And Gaal spent two years searching for this man.

1:17And Stormcloak always fled the Blessed One, sometimes hiding with the demon Yaltan, and sometimes tempting Saint Ulrich with the spear of power.

1:18At last Gaal caught the man and slew him with his halberd.

1:20But the man was cunning, and the spear was hidden and Gaal was sorely enraged.