Lemon Cream

Circle B Kitchen

From How to Eat by Nigella Lawson

Yields 8 little pots

3 juicy, unwaxed lemons

275g caster sugar (just slightly over 1 cup “superfine sugar”)*

6 fresh eggs

250g mascarpone (about 1 cup)

Grate the lemon zest from all 3 lemons into a bowl and then squeeze and add their juice to the bowl.

Add the sugar and eggs to the bowl and whisk until everything is nicely incorporated.

Stir in the mascarpone and then cover the bowl with clingfilm and leave it in the fridge until you need it but ideally for 2 days.

When you are ready to bake, set the oven to 150° (300 degrees), boil the kettle and put eight little remekins or pots into a roasting tin and then share the lemon mixture between all eight.

Pour hot, but not boiling water into the roasting dish to come half way up the little pots and then bake for 25 minutes or until they are just set but still with a bit of wobble and runniness about them as they will set more as they cool.

Allow to cool for about 15 minutes before serving and they will sit happily for a few hours. If you are making them a day in advance, keep them in the fridge but take them out a good half hour before you serve them so they are cool not cold.

*I used regular sugar and it was fine.