Smoked Burgers on a Traeger

Fresh ground Hamburger patties 100% chuck roast or 50/50 chuck roast/beef brisket

Cheese, any kind you like

vadalia onion

baby Bella mushrooms


olive oil

salt and pepper

Start the Traeger grill to 200 degrees, let warm up

Chop up the onion and mushrooms.

Put them in a mini cast iron pan with olive oil, 2 TBLS butter, salt and pepper

Season the burgers with salt and pepper, put the burgers on the grill and put a thermometer probe in and set the internal temp to 155 degrees.

Put the mini cast iron pan on also.

Close the lid and cook for 2 hours or until internal temp reads 155 degrees.

******* it was 2 hours and internal temp wasn't up to 155 yet. So I increased the temp of the Traeger to 250 degrees and finished off the cooking until internal temp reaches 155 degrees. ********

When internal temp is 155 open the lid and put cheese on the burgers.

Cook until internal temp in 160 degrees.

I took the cast iron off the traeger and put it on my side burner on my grill to finish them off.