Black Raspberry Cream Cheese Tart


1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon granulated white sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, chilled, and cut into 1 inch pieces

1/8 to 1/4 cup ice water

In a food processor, place the flour, salt, and sugar and process until combined. Add the butter and process until the mixture resembles coarse meal (about 15 seconds). Pour 1/8 cup water in a slow, steady stream through the feed tube until the pastry just holds together when pinched. Add remaining water, if necessary. Do not process more than about 30 seconds. Turn the pastry out onto your work surface, gather it into a ball, cover with plastic, and refrigerate for about one hour to chill the butter and allow the gluten in the flour to relax.

Once the pastry has chilled, remove from refrigerator and place on a lightly floured surface. Roll the pastry into a round. To prevent the pastry from sticking to the counter and to ensure uniform thickness, keep lifting up and turning the pastry a quarter turn as you roll (always roll from the center of the pastry outwards to get uniform thickness).


4 oz cream cheese at room temp

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon lemon zest

1 egg yolk (save the egg white for brushing on the crust)

1/2 C powdered sugar

With a whisk beat together the cream cheese, vanilla, lemon zest, egg yolk and powdered sugar. Mixture will be thick and yellowish in color.


2 cups fresh raspberries

4 tablespoons granulated white sugar

2 tsp lemon zest

mix the fresh raspberries with sugar and lemon zest


Preheat oven to 425 degrees

spread the cream cheese on the rolled out pastry crust leaving an inch around the outside. Put fruit on top and gather the sides up crimping it as you go. Brush the crust with egg white and sprinkle with sugar if you want.

Bake pastry for 30 minutes until golden brown.