Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream

4 egg yokes

1/4 cup white granulated sugar

1/3 cup powdered cocoa (good quality)

2 cups milk (i used 2%)

1/2 cup white granulated sugar

1 tsp pure vanilla

1 cup heavy cream

3-4 Tbls of Peanut butter

Mix the 4 egg yokes and 1/4 cup sugar in a bowl until well combined. Then add the cocoa powder, mix and set aside.

Bring the 2 cups milk and 1/2 cup sugar to a simmer.

Pour a little bit of warm milk into the egg mixture to temper the eggs, whisking at the same time. Keep pouring in and mixing at the same time. You don't want scrambled eggs, so this step is important. Mix about half the mixture into the egg mixture.

Then pour the egg mixture into the sauce pan with the rest of the warm milk and cook on low for around 10-15 minutes stirring at all times.

Take the sauce pan off of the heat. Add 1 tsp vanilla and 1 cup heavy cream. Stir until blended.

Pour chocolate mixture into a bowl. Cover with cling wrap, have it touch the top of the chocolate so when it cools it won't form a film on top of it. Refrigerated until COMPLETELY cold.

Take the cold chocolate mixture out of the refrigerator and give it a stir.

Use an ice cream maker

Pour the chocolate mixture into an ice cream maker per manufactures instructions.

When the ice cream is almost done in the machine, spoon in 3-4 Tbls of peanut butter and let the machine mix it in.

Pour the chocolate peanut butter ice cream into a freezer safe container and freeze until hard.


1. Make sure your ice cream container from the machine is frozen. At least 24 hours or even more.

2. Make sure your custard is COLD. It you fail to do these 2 tips, you will get melty ice cream and be frustrated and never make it again.

3. You can eat the ice cream right out of the ice cream maker it will be soft serve. Or put it in the freezer and it will be hard to scoop out which i think is better. My ice cream was frozen in a deep freeze for around 5 hours.

Recipe from www.auntbsfavorites.blogspot.com