Bread Pudding Bake

10 oz bag dried stuffing bread or 8 cups cubed day old bread

9 eggs

2 1/4 cups whole milk

1 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream

1 cup sugar

3/4 cup melted butter

3 tsp vanilla extract

3 tsp ground cinnamon

cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top

get a large baking pan, I used a 4 qt 15 x 10 pyrex baking pan, spray with cooking spray. Put bread in baking pan.

In a large bowl, mix together, eggs, whole milk, heavy cream, sugar, extract and cinnamon. Mix until combined. Drizzle butter over bread. Pour egg/milk mixture over the bread.

let the bread soak up the egg/ milk mixture.

bake 350 for 40-45 minutes, until set and a knife comes out clean.

serve warm with syrup over the top. optional, whipping cream

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