
Definitions below are for a quick reference; nearly all the words can be translated in additional ways.

1. gracias (thanks)

2. ser (to be)

3. a (to)

4. ir (to go)

5. estar (to be)

6. bueno (good)

7. de (of, from)

8. su (your, her, his, their)

9. hacer (to do, to make)

10. amigo (friend)

11. por favor (please) (no)

13. en (on, in)

14. haber ("to have" as an auxiliary verb)

15. tener (to have, to possess)

16. un, uno, una (a, one)

17. ahora (now)

18. y (and)

19. que, qué (that, what)

20. por (for, by)

21. amar (to love)

22. quién (who)

23. para (for, to)

24. venir (to come)

25. porque (because)

26. el, la, los, las (the)

27. antes (before)

28. más (more)

29. bien ("well" as an adverb)

30. aquí, allí (here, there)

31. querer (to want, to love)

32. hola (hello)

33. (you)

34. poder (to be able)

35. gustar (to be pleasing)

36. poner (to put)

37. casi (almost)

38. saber (to know)

39. como (like, as)

40. donde (where)

41. dar (to give)

42. pero (but)

43. se (itself, herself, himself, themselves)

44. mucho (much)

45. nuevo (new)

46.cuando (when)

47. chico, chica (boy, girl)

48. entender (to understand)

49. si (if)

50. o (or)

51. feliz (happy)

52. todo (all, every)

53. mismo (same)

54. muy (very)

55. nunca (never)

56. yo, me (I, me)

57. (yes)

58. grande, gran (big, great)

59. deber (to owe, should)

60. usted (you)

61. bajo (low, under)

62.otro (other)

63. salir (to leave)

64. hora (hour; see also lesson on telling time)

65. desde (from)

66. ver (to see)

67. malo, mal (bad)

68. pensar (to think)

69. hasta (until)

70. tanto, tan (used in making comparisons)

71. entre (between, among)

72. durante (during)

73. llevar (to wear, to carry)

74. siempre (always)

75. empezar (to begin)

76. él, ella, ellos, ellas (he, she, they)

77. leer (to read)

78. cosa (thing)

79. sacar (to take out, to remove)

80. conocer (to know)

81. primero (first)

82. andar (to walk)

83. sobre (over, about)

84. echar (to throw)

85. sin (without)

86. decir (to say)

87. trabajar (to work)

88. nosotros (we, us)

89. también (also)

90. adiós (goodbye)

91. comer (to eat)

92. triste (sad)

93. país (country)

94. escuchar (to listen, to listen to)

95. hombre (man)

96. mujer (woman)

97. le (indirect-object pronoun)

98. creer (to believe, to think)

99. encontrar (to find)

100. beber (to drink)

See the following page for other important words, words that came very close to being part of this list.