Unit Letter

Dear Parents,

Our next unit of learning will be: Once Upon a Time, through which children will be exploring the theme of ‘Stories and Storytelling’.

Each Learning Block will provide new learning experiences.

In Learning Block 1 & 2 we will be learning:

  • To explore after reading the story: Little Red Hen

  • To set our own goals

  • To make hand puppets to retell the story

  • To make sound effects to tell a story

  • To bake bread

In Learning Block 3 & 4 we will be learning:

  • To explore after reading the story: The Enormous Turnip

  • To investigate push and pull force

  • To create a story tray to retell the story

  • To make predictions

  • To compare size

  • To make vegetable soup

In Learning Block 5 & 6 we will be learning:

  • To explore after reading the story: The Gingerbread Man

  • To bake our own gingerbread

  • To make changes to the story

  • To perform a story with props and music

In Learning Block 7 & 8 we will be learning:

  • To explore after reading the story: Rapunzel

  • To create the characters from the story

  • To use art and craft to create a setting for a story

  • To problem solve and find solutions

  • To use musical instruments to represent story characters

Our learning will help us to develop the Personal Goals of:

1. Adaptability

2. Communication

3. Cooperation

4. Enquiry

5. Morality

6. Resilience

7. Respect

8. Thoughtfulness

Our learning will also help to develop the International Dimension as children will learn about:

· Learning and playing with others beyond their immediate friendship group

· Applying Personal Goals in various contexts

In an environment that enables them to:

Develop knowledge and an increasing understanding beyond that related to their own nationality and identity.

Please help by capturing your child’s curiosity; this means keeping us informed about what he/she is most interested in during this unit of learning and finding out what he/she would like to learn more about. This helps us plan relevant learning experiences that will appeal to your child’s curiosity.

We hope this unit of learning will help your child learn new knowledge, increase their understanding and develop new skills that they can demonstrate to you.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Nursery Team