
good morning giraffes!

Have a glorious day :-)

Good morning 10th June.mp4
Learning Circle 10th June.mp4

mark making

Do the morning register - look at what day it is and and practise writing your name.

Choose your favourite words - can you blend the sounds and form the letters.

You can either ask mum or dad to print a copy for you to write on, or you can make your own register to use at home.

Week 11 Register.pdf

morning fun

Gerald Giraffe is learning to sound out these words... Can you help him? Can you practise writing the words?

story of the week

The 3 BGG Book.mp4

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Today it is Ms Tone’s turn to read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Make sure you are sitting comfortably and get ready to listen to the story.

What size are the goats? Why did they want to cross the bridge?

story of the day

Mouse and the Moon.mp4

Today’s story Mouse and the Moon is read to you by Miss Tone.


Below are three videos for your child to access when they are practising the speed sounds. The videos are purposely separated into three in order to support your child at the appropriate level. If you are unsure as to which video to use, please contact me via the learning log or email.

  • MTYT Set 1 Speed Sounds: Use this video if your child needs to hear the sounds first and then repeat it after me

  • MTYT Set 1 Special friends: Use this video if your child needs to hear the special friends (digraphs) sounds first and then repeat it after me

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds: Use this video if your child is confident practising the sounds independently without support

Once you have completed the appropriate speed sound video, please continue with the daily phonics learning video below.

Set 1 Sounds MTYT.mp4


Set 1 Speed Sounds

Set 1 Sounds Special Friends MTYT.mp4


Special friends

Set 1 Speed Sounds.mp4

Set 1 Speed Sounds

Phonics 10th June.mp4
  • Review Set 1 sounds

  • Blending orally without Speed Sound Cards

    • Fred talk words (MTYT):

      • f-i-x fix

      • s-i-x six

      • a-n-d and

      • s-a-d sad

  • Blending with Speed Sound Cards

    • Say the word clearly so that your child can hear it i.e., mat

    • Build the word. Say “I need…..” - ask your child to tell you the sound that you need and place the card down so that they can see it. Repeat with all the sounds in the word

    • Point to the sound and say the sounds (m-a-t) then sweep your finger under the word and say the word (mat)

  • Read the Green word cards (you can write them on paper or a whiteboard or use the teaching video as a reference)

    • Read the words with the children. Show them the dots and dashes and ask them if they can see any special friends

    • Ask the children to say the sounds in Fred talk

    • Say the word out loud running your finger under the word

  • Review the words with your child and support them to read the words without the dots and dashes


The Three Billy Goats Gruff Comprehension

Learning Objective:

To be able to listen to a familiar story and recall the details

To be able to listen to questions about a story and recall the details to answer the questions

To be able to show that they have an understanding of the story

Learning Activity:

Listen to the recording of the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. If you prefer you can also read the story on the home learning page to your child. Once they have listened to the story use the questions below to ask them about the events in the story.

The answers are given to support you at home however please support your child to find the answers themselves and answer it from their own perspective.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

1. How many billy goats are there in the story?

A: There are three Billy Goats Gruff.

2. Who lived under the bridge?

A: A terrible, grumpy troll lived under the bridge.

3. Which Billy Goat Gruff went first?

A: The smallest Billy Goat Gruff went first.

4. What did the troll say when he could hear the goats coming over the bridge?

A: “Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?” growled the troll.

5. What did the troll wants to do to the goats?

A: He wanted to eat them up.

6. What did the biggest goat do to the troll?

A: The biggest goat shouted and butted him off the bridge.

some extra fun ;-)

Edible Finger Paint

This paint is totally edible (though not that delicious!) and completely non-toxic, and the best part, it is easy to make and will last!

You will need:

  • 2 cups of corn flour (corn starch)

  • 1 cup of cold water

  • 4.5 cups of boiling water

  • Liquid food colouring


Mix the cornflour with the cold water and stir together. Pour in the boiling water and stir between each cup. It goes really strange (you are basically mixing a hot oobleck goop) but keep stirring and it literally seems to “melt” into a wonderful, custard-like consistency. Separate it into individual jam jars / containers before adding colouring.

Problem Solving:

If the paint remains liquid and doesn’t thicken up as it should;

1. Try simply adding up to 1 more cup of cornflour / cornstarch and see if that helps to thicken it

2. Try mixing the paint in a pan on a medium heat instead of just in a bowl, as that will help to bring it together


Can you use your paint to create the Billy Goats Gruff or the Troll?

great learning today giraffes!

Have an amazing day :-)