On September 15, 2023, to maintain cleanliness, security, and safety in the school, Malate Catholic School officially launched the 7S of Good Housekeeping.

Written by:  Hanna Nagpal 

Layout by: Bernadette  Ojo

September 30, 2023 | 2:41 P.M.

On September 15, 2023, with the project of the Student Coordinating Board, Malate Catholic School officially launched the 7S of Good Housekeeping via an announcement after the morning praise in the school's quadrangle.

The launching of the 7S of Good Housekeeping was announced by the members of the student coordinating board. Hanna Del Rosario, the Grade 9 representative, and Michael Cuevas, the Grade 8 representative, officially presented the implementation of 7S “in order to have a clean and safe learning environment”.

During an interview with Tiffany Nicole Isais, Junior High School Vice President, the Project of 7S in relation to Laudato Si was implemented “for the cleanliness of the school facilities, for it to be organized, as well as to maintain the safety and security of the school.” “It was also for us to be ready for any kind of situation; therefore, having first aid kits is required per classroom," she added. Lastly, she stated that  “it is also for the learners to be responsible as MCS students, and an efficient way to practice and exercise their self-discipline."

Currently, the 7S of Good Housekeeping is being currently followed. The inspection for each classroom and offices will be conducted to assure everyone’s compliance. Since the start of August, Mr. Kenjie Eneran, AP and MAPEH Team Leader, has already informed the members of the Student Coordinating Board about the implementation of the 7S of Good Housekeeping.