“Indeed, the coming of the Holy Spirit ushers in a new start,” said His Eminence Jose Cardinal Advincula in his homily for the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the Manila Cathedral on August 23, 2023, where select MCS and ECS delegates attended.

Written by: Ruanne Tan

Layout by: Bernadette Rios Ojo

August 27, 2023 | 5:45 P.M.

On August 23, 2023, at 9:00 AM, the Holy Spirit Mass was held at The Manila Cathedral with RCAMES Schools representatives. Malate Catholic School’s Student Coordinating Board (SCB) Officers, school personnel, together with selected ECS and MCS students, participated in the celebration of the mass. The mass was held while being live-streamed on The Manila Cathedral's Facebook Page. 

The mass started with the Processional of RCAMES school flags, followed by the Entrance of Colors and the Introductory Rites. The mass was presided by His Eminence (H.E.) Jose Cardinal Advincula D.D, Archbishop of Manila and RCAMES Superintendent.

In the Homily delivered by H.E. Jose F. Cardinal Advincula said, “With the coming of the spirit, there is new life. The coming of the spirit is a celebration of new life. Indeed, the coming of the Holy Spirit ushers in a new start.”

He also stated,  “Our celebration today offers each of us the opportunity to renew our relationship with the Lord and one another. It signifies for us a new beginning. The Holy Spirit invites us to renew our lives, to grow, and to improve ourselves.“ 

“The last three years were very difficult for all of us, as we were trying to learn and adjust, how we could continue with our education, even while there were threats of the virus.” Cardinal Advincula stated towards the end of his homily,  “We need to turn to the Holy Spirit to guide us, to enlighten us, to strengthen us, and to recreate us.”

After the mass, group photos were taken with the schools’ administrators and directors.