Catholic Teachers’ Day: A Day To Give Back To Our Second Parents 

On January 28, we celebrate Catholic Teachers’ Day. Malate Catholic School had its celebration today, February 1, 2023, on campus. Let us continue to celebrate this day for our smart, thoughtful, caring, and loving teachers. Happy Catholic Teachers’ Day!

Written by: Lorna Mae De Mesa and Andrew Natividad

Layout by: Unna Lhy

February 02, 2023 | 7:00 P.M.

Before October 5 became World Teachers' Day, January 28 was designated as Catholic Teachers' Day and was celebrated for many years. For catholic teachers and students, Catholic Teachers' Day is a particularly important occasion. Every year on January 28th, people celebrate it as a way to show appreciation and love for teachers. Do people still celebrate it? The answer is yes; some schools, including our own, continue to honor our beloved teachers for the meaningful day.

If you’re asking how Malate Catholic School celebrates Catholic Teachers’ Day, the answer to that is simple. We Catholics celebrate it very similarly to how we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Students usually bring various gifts like flowers, sweets, and thank you cards for their teachers to express their gratitude and love. Additionally, the much anticipated tradition of MCS during Teachers’ Day is executed; wherein selected students substitute a certain teacher and serve as student teachers for the day. Consequently, the teachers have the entire day to somehow relax and forget their work-related thoughts and problems. This school year, our school continued this tradition after a two-year hiatus due to the resorting to the online-distance learning modality because of the pandemic.

A national organization of catholic teachers from both public and private schools exists in the Philippines under the name Catholic Teachers' Guild of the Philippines (CTGP). It was established on April 3rd, 1955, and in September of 1957. The Archdiocese of Manila mandated it as a Catholic Action organization. It was also accepted as a regular member of the National Council of the Laity the following year. The CTGP’s goal is to distribute catholic educators to meet the Philippines’ educational needs. It also further cultivates catholic teachers’ skills in teaching their students and allows them to reach their full potential. This association not only prepares teachers for their educational purpose but also helps them find inspiration to continue in the field of education through the Catholic Church and its teachings.

The Catholic Award for Teachers was created in 1998 with a grant made anonymously to The Catholic Foundation and honors the achievements of exceptional educators in our Catholic schools. Each year, a few teachers are chosen to receive ₱50,000 awards in recognition of their superior teaching. Additionally, each of the schools they represent gets ₱5,000 for their endowment. One can see that our Catholic teachers have had a very substantial and lasting impact on every one of their students. 

Since our country is religious and predominantly Roman Catholic, having proper education and information about religion is important. This is why the educational sector in the Philippines is utilizing catholic teachers in many schools. Catholic Teachers’ Day is not only for our religion teachers, but for all catholic teachers. They can incorporate Christian values through their teachings even if it isn’t their field of profession. Every teacher deserves to be appreciated!

An effect that comes from catholic teachers’ work includes not only the imparting of academic knowledge, but also the fostering of the students’ sense of self-worth. With their God-given values and strengths, our teachers assist in highlighting their students' strongest traits while attempting to unlock fullest potential. Teachers pass onto them the skills of organization, order and obedience, communication, empathy, and love. They serve as a source of motivation and inspiration. Teachers have a significant impact on children and teenagers because they act as their second parents. Catholic teachers care for their students as parents care for their young children.  

Teachers help us open our eyes to different things in the world. They aid us in discovering how the world works, what the use of things are, or how the events we experience in life can affect us. They work hard to create impactful learning materials just for us to learn. Teachers deserve utmost respect. One simple way of showing this is by greeting them with the classic greeting tradition of MCS: “Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Sir! Praised be Jesus Christ!” This is accompanied by putting your right hand on your chest and bowing slightly. This is a simple way of showing respect to our mentors whom we cross paths with in the hallway, and a great way to show that Malateans are truly true to our faith. 

The importance of having catholic teachers in our lives is truly significant. As students, it is crucial that we have proper role models guiding us through our formation. Not just for our plans and career paths, but for our spiritual presence and well-being. Through our teachers at school—our second parents—can we absorb knowledge about our spirituality and our religion. As students from a catholic school with caring catholic teachers, we should consider ourselves blessed. It is truly a worthwhile experience to be taught by a catholic teacher that will always be by your side and will help you find your way in life.