Cancel the Culture of Cancel

In modern times, the term “Cancel-culture” has been prevalent in social media outlets. In platforms where the right to freedom of speech and expression should be valued, it seems ironic that individuals would revoke others just by standing out.



Sino Ang Mas Angat?: A Peek Into the Answers of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates”

The CNN Philippines 2022 Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debate took place at the University of Santo Tomas last February 26 and 27 to inform Filipinos about the plans of the aspiring leaders for our country, because as Pia Hontiveros stated, “Democracy’s best defense is an informed citizenry.” After watching, did this debate finally elucidate your mind, or are you still turning a blind eye?


How Valid and Reliable is Your Information?

Fake news has been circulating the internet. Users most often believe them because of the usage of large and easy-to-access platforms that reach people worldwide. There are numerous benefits that the New Media provides nowadays, but this causes a real and relevant social issue for the world - fake news and misleading information that overshadows factual information from reputable and reliable sources. To counter this, it is important to be a user of media that remains analytical and critical. 


"We Care for Our Frontliners; They Must Receive Their Long Overdue Benefits"

For almost two years, our frontliners have tirelessly worked day and night to battle the invisible enemy that is COVID-19. Though, ever since the start of the pandemic, their hard work and dedication often go unnoticed in the eyes of the government. As the country’s COVID-19 cases surge again, those responsible for preventing it continue to get poor and delayed benefits. 

Is this really what our frontliners deserve?   CONTINUE READING

Relish The Triumphs, Uphold Philippine Sports

For generations, Filipinos have placed far too much emphasis on irrelevant sports with practically no chance of reaching the Olympic podium, which is what afflicts Philippine sports. Wrong priorities and the lack of cutting-edge facilities, capable coaches and trainers, and incentives for athletes are all contributing to the country's decline in international competitions. Though our recent success in the Tokyo Olympics proves otherwise, our very own athletes have displayed their frustrations with insufficient funding and resources. CONTINUE READING

Salute to Teachers on Catholic Teachers’ Day!

It was almost a year ago when I last walked the hallways of the school. I remember then, students would stop and greet with sweet but hesitant smiles on their faces. I opened the door of the classroom and the students in the middle of a commotion scurried and suddenly settled down in a matter of seconds, then the room fell quiet. I know it’s not a normal day as my presence and the news that I bear is not a surprise to them anymore.  CONTINUE READING

To Serve and Protect?

Tama na po, may exam pa po ako bukas,” the last cry heard from the street that night. The pandemic is not the only deadly event that has claimed the lives of Filipinos. From the killing of Kian Delos Santos to the recent killing of Sonya and Frank Gregorio, all these point to the problem of police brutality.  CONTINUE READING

The Footprints of Mankind in Today’s Ecological Crisis 

Typhoons are nothing new to Filipinos. The geographic location of the Philippines beside ocean waters means the country is at risk of intense and frequent tropical storms. Within this decade, the country has encountered strong typhoons like Ondoy and Yolanda. With strong winds and heavy rainfalls, the country is prone to experience flash floods and landslides. Stronger typhoons are a result of today’s ecological crisis. The present day features a lot of technological advancement and industrial development; however, it has created a lot of negative impacts on the environment, damaging creation and risking the poor.   CONTINUE READING

Distance Education in the Screens of a Common Filipino

One month after the official opening of classes, and everyone involved in an individual’s learning experience—students, parents, teachers, and others—is struggling in dealing with the new problems of the New Normal in Education... CONTINUE READING