Malatean Scouts responded to two emergency incidents last January 26, 2024 and February 3, 2024.

Written by: Lorrieza Jhoilyn Punzalan

Layout by: Bernadette Ojo

February 24, 2024 | 9:36 P.M.

On January 26 and February 3, 2024, Malatean Scouts of the Philippines applied their scouting skills to assist in incidents in Quiapo and Pasay.

JANUARY 26, 2024

On January 26, 2024, Malatean Scouts, John Cedric Lucilla, and Alfonso Cartagena, along with Mr. Philip Bongcahig, the Scout's moderator, saw a vehicle incident. This incident involved a van hitting a child in Quiapo, Manila.

John Cedric Lucilla, a Grade 12 student, immediately checked the airflow and the pulse rate of the victim. Alfonso Cartagena, a Grade 11 student helped with managing the crowd surrounding the incident. Mr. Philip Bongcahig communicated with the proper authorities.

Before leaving, the owners of the van made sure to take responsibility for the incident. The scouts and their moderator handed the incident over to the traffic enforcers.

FEBRUARY 3, 2024

On February 3, Malatean Scouts Ian Kervin Sullano and John Cedric Lucilla, Grade 12 students, and Rheeyen Wayne Pantoja, a Grade 9 student, saw a motorcycle crash in Pasay, Manila.

In an interview, the three Malatean Scouts investigated a loud noise nearby and saw a motorcycle crash. At the scene, Ian Kervin Sullano and John Cedric Lucilla assisted the victims. During this, Rheeyen Wayne Pantoja managed the crowd.

This incident involved 3 motorcycles and 4-5 victims. Most of the victims obtained minor injuries, except for one getting major injuries. A jeepney ran over one of the victims after the motorcycle crash caused fractured ribs.

Emergency hotlines were not available during the incident; the three scouts escorted the victim to the Philippine General Hospital.