simbang gabi: the heart of a filipino christmas

Among all of the Filipino Christmas traditions, Simbang Gabi, also known as "Misa de Gallo" or "Mass of the Rooster" in Spanish, is one of the most anticipated ones. These early morning masses, taking inspiration from the time roosters crow, sure have found a way to instill itself in many people's hearts. It has become one with Filipinos. 




Written by: Claire Ferrer

Layout by: Veronica Manuel

December 23, 2022 | 4:20 P.M.

As the holiday season rolls around, people everywhere have been celebrating. Decorations, lanterns, the delicious bibingka and puto bumbong being sold on the street, and other Filipino traditions make Christmas even more special in the Philippines. But one of the most special and anticipated ones would have to be the nine-day novena masses before Christmas, also known as Simbang Gabi.

Images from Mr. Marc Joseph Palado

Every December, Filipinos from all over the country are invited to join the simbang gabi held in preparation for Christmas; even Filipinos overseas are encouraged to join in on the tradition. Although these masses are usually held late in the evening and early in the morning, churches are still overflowing with people coming together to anticipate the celebration of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To welcome churchgoers and to create a festive mood, churches are decorated from top to bottom with lanterns, lights, festive ornaments or the parol, as we call it, and other kinds of adornments. The full presentation includes the classic nativity scene depicting the glorious yet humble birth of our savior.

People become entranced by the beauty of the lights in churches at night, and it makes the scenery look attractive, also encouraging people to attend the masses.

It is common knowledge that simbang gabi is a sacred tradition amongst Filipinos. This is seen as a special way to honor Jesus Christ and show enthusiasm for his coming. Some also see this as a way to ask for graces and blessings from God. Most aim to complete the nine-day masses (December 16 to 24) up until the day of Christmas. As a sacrifice, people complete the nine masses as it is believed that once one has completed the attendance, their desires would be fulfilled. 

Although the tradition of simbang gabi is imprinted in Filipino culture, it did not originate in the Philippines. Simbang gabi was introduced to the Philippines during the era of Spanish colonization back in the early 16th century. Instead of the early morning masses that many know today, novenas held during the evenings were much more common in the Hispanic world. This tradition was passed down to Filipinos by the Spanish friars. Although Filipinos complied, they would be exhausted from a long day’s work, especially the farmers. This is something that the priests have noticed, so as a compromise for laborers who have work, priests began to say masses early in the morning.

Simbang gabi can also be referred to as “Misa de Gallo”, which translates to “Mass of the Rooster” in Spanish. This takes inspiration from the time during which the masses are held; when the rooster crows.

At the center of all Filipino Christmas celebrations is the simbang gabi. During this time, a person’s faith is intensified and they can feel more united with God as they anticipate the birth of Jesus Christ. People celebrate and worship God in this fashion. The tradition of simbang gabi brings people together and allows people to form deeper bonds with one another, the perfect rising action leading up to Christmas day with the same effects.

Simbang Gabi is important, however Christmas does not merely focus on the masses itself, but also the other preparations, activities, and festivities that happen during this time of year. One may see the streets adorned with lanterns and decorations, children caroling and asking for aguinaldo, delicious food, serene and cheery music, and many more. To add to that, a wonderful Christmas doesn’t depend on how many gifts one receives, or how flashy and beautiful a house’s decorations are, rather it depends on the people and their attitudes towards it. It is a time of joy, love, and most especially, a time of honoring Jesus Christ, something that everyone should keep in heart and in mind. As we are always reminded, above everything , JESUS is the reason for the season!