MCS Elects Officers for the Parent-Teacher Advisory Council (PTAC) for the Academic Year 2023-2024

After three years, due to the pandemic, Malate Catholic School's Parent-Teacher Advisory Council conducts its elections for this academic year. 

Written by: Adia Dizon Avendaño 

Layout by: Hannah Lexine Mabulay & Unna Lhy Buenaventura

October 16, 2023 | 11:00 A.M.

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, The Parent-Teacher Advisory Council (PTAC) of Malate Catholic School (MCS) had their First General Assembly and Election of Officers in the MCS AV Little Theater at 8:30 AM. 

The program was hosted by Ms. Ma. Angelica Millendez from the Senior High School Faculty and they were formally welcomed by Ms. Marilou Lunar, the school's principal. She expressed her deepest gratitude to everyone's participation in playing a vital role in shaping experiences of the students through their sufficient guidance. 

A leadership talk was conducted by Mr. Frankmar Cabeltis, Campus Ministry Officer. This was followed by the elections of new officers.

The following are the newly-elected PTAC Officers: 

President: Mr. Vincent Molina

Vice President: Mr. Christopher Baes

Corporate Secretary: Mrs. Joanne Ruiz

Assistant Treasurer: Mrs. Marited Pelayo

Auditor: Mrs. Aileen Jamlig

Public Relations Officer: Mrs. Rona Dueñas

Business Manager: Mrs. Narcy Tiu

Board Members

- Mr. Joni Legaspi

- Mrs. Jennilyn Sumortin

- Mrs. Nelpe Kim

- Mrs. Joan Manuel

the program ended at around 11:00 AM.