World Teachers Day: An Appreciation of the Teachers Who Shape Our Future

Several students have come forward and shared the experiences they had with their teachers, stating how they have made a difference in their lives.



Written by Claire Ferrer

Illustration by Joshua Paul Shimizu

Posted on October 5, 2022  |  12:35 P.M.

Remember Socrates, the teacher of Plato? We also remember Plato, the teacher of Aristotle! Teachers are the passers of wisdom from generation to generation. Teachers are the reason we develop, and the first school, the building block of a functioning society, was built because of the existence of a teacher.

Teachers. What comes to mind when one thinks about teachers? Strong. Resilient. Caring. These are just some of the words that can be used to describe them! Although they are firm at times, they have impacted and are continuing to impact the lives of students everywhere. Also known as students’ second parents, they play a role in the formation of students’ worldviews, teaching students the necessary skills to be able to chase their dreams. 

Usually, people dismiss teachers and their jobs. Society often puts them in a box, thinking that their profession is difficult and tiring, especially because most are dealing with massive groups of young people. But what people fail to realize is that teachers do not merely teach just to be able to do their job, but they also give their students experiences and learning curves that they can take with them for the rest of their lives. Some are positive and some are negative, but in the end, there are always lessons to be learned from these events. Teachers build confidence, they set the mood of the day, they understand, and they do more than simply communicate an objective lesson.

Many students from our school have had wonderful experiences with their teachers, not only from inside the classroom but outside of it as well. Several students have come forward and shared their experiences with various teachers, stating how they have made a difference and affected their lives.

Teachers help build confidence, they give students a voice and push them to do their best. Just like how Ms. Trixie Labos has affected the life of Grade 7 student, Keidai Kuroda. “The lessons that Ms. Trixie has taught me are invaluable. Not only have they changed the impact of my life, they are the building blocks of my future” he states. According to Keidai, Ms. Labos has always been a role model and a confidant for him. He feels as if he can tell her anything and receive no judgment in return. While she focuses on doing her job to teach as many students as possible, Ms. Labos also takes her time to listen and get to know each of her students personally. From Keidai’s personal experience, she has taught him to believe and have faith in himself, and especially pushed him to do better in terms of his education. Based on Keidai’s experiences, Ms. Labos is described as a loving and caring teacher who is not only concerned about her students’ academics but also their well-being. Ms. Trixie Labos is a perfect example of what a teacher should be like, a second parent—nurturing children and guiding them through their development as their own person.

What does one think of intimidating, strict teachers? Some may seem to have a hard exterior, but inside they have a heart of gold. One of the students who has had a similar experience is Grade 10 student, Jewel Recto. It all began when she entered junior high school. Jewel was assigned to section 7 - St. John under Mr. Marvin Chiong’s supervision. Mr. Chiong has a reputation for being strict, and many students have found him to be intimidating. For a freshman, that wasn’t exactly the best news to receive, but over time, Jewel has started to warm up to him. She explained how Mr. Chiong was not afraid to be vulnerable in front of his students, allowing them to relate to him on a more serious note. “During that school year, Mr. Chiong became our second father, and we shared moments that strengthened our connection and bond regardless of the short time we had, and within those few months, he welcomed us as his children, accepting our quirks and flaws,” Recto explained. She expressed how her first year in junior high school was truly unforgettable, and since then, she has never looked back to who she was before meeting Mr. Chiong. As a teacher, Mr. Chiong was able to make her look at different viewpoints and perspectives in life, helping her grow as a person.

Playful teachers are the best. Students love it when their teachers can relate to them in a friendly manner, while also maintaining a proper student-teacher relationship in the classroom. It shows students that their teachers have a sense of humor and humanity, however rarely seen, which draws students closer to their educators. One story is from a current Grade 12 student, Rafaello Rabusa also known as Emman, a former student of Mr. Jezrael Abono. Emman’s story took place in 8th grade, the second year of junior high school. At the time, Mr. Abono’s class was the reigning champion of the 5S competition, which meant he was very keen on maintaining his classroom's cleanliness. According to Emman, Mr. Abono fished out a container with spoiled rice inside it behind the bookshelves. Upon seeing this, he immediately asked who the container belonged to—no response. He increased the volume of his voice, asking over and over who it belonged to. When he finally ran out of patience, he instructed everyone to take their bags and relocate to the PE hall where they would have their classes instead. According to Emman, many of his classmates were saddened because they disappointed their adviser. A few moments later, Mr. Abono approached them at the PE hall and told them they were staying in a different classroom for the day. Everyone lined up and made their way over there. Upon arriving in the classroom, Rafaello and his classmates were shocked to see the classroom decorated with festive decorations, two long tables of food, and a poster that congratulated their class for their hard work that school year. “At that point, most of us were still confused about what was happening, but some of us realized what just happened; we got pranked by Mr. Abono,” he explained. At that moment, Emman learned to appreciate his teacher even more. Although it was an emotional rollercoaster for them, the outcome pleased everyone. Mr. Jezrael Abono is the perfect combination of professionalism and charisma, giving every student who passes through him an experience of a lifetime they can always look back on.

Another testimony comes from a senior high school student for Ms. Marilou Lunar, the current principal of Malate Catholic School. Miss Lunar was the math teacher back when the student was in 9th grade. On their first day of meeting Ms. Lunar, she recalls the stunned faces of her classmates as Miss went to discuss the first lesson already, even without the anticipated orientation. She remembers being jittery and nervous in the first weeks of having Ms. Lunar as their teacher, as she was deemed somewhat scary and strict by the students. Miss Lunar was definitely strict! However, after a few months, she got accustomed to Ms. Lunar's teaching style, not because she eventually had to deal with it, but because she understood why Miss had to be the way she is. Together with her classmates, they found themselves genuinely disciplined in studying math, as well as other subjects. They understood lessons clearly and answered exams while actually knowing how to solve the problems, as Ms. Lunar had introduced to them in her lectures the difficult questions they may encounter in the exams. Miss even conducts remedial exams for those who are almost failing the subject. According to the student, they dreaded remedial exams but later realized that taking those helped with their grades. She remembers exchanging seats with a classmate in the middle of taking their quiz because Ms. Lunar wanted her seatmate (who was good at math) to teach her classmate so he would not fail it. She mentions how she certainly will never forget Ms. Lunar because she, despite her tough exterior, truly cared and genuinely liked to help the students whenever they were struggling. Miss was right when she said that one day, the students would thank her for what she has done for them. “At that time, it was fitting to have a teacher like Ms. Lunar, who made numbers a lot less scary and intimidating to look at, and who equipped us with lessons we surely will bring in the future.” And they did!


Appreciation for teachers doesn’t only happen among students, many teachers admire their co-workers as well; teachers support teachers. An anonymous school employee has shared their experience with grade school teacher, Mrs. Rowena Canceran. According to this person, Mrs. Canceran is a mother figure to her students and colleagues as well. She is described as the backbone of the faculty and someone who is always there during trying times. “Her care and generosity even go beyond the bounds of the four corners of the classroom. She is our go-to person.” says the source. Everyone around her feels genuine love and concern. This truly is the essence of being a teacher, being present for the students, and being present for their fellow colleagues. Part of a teacher’s responsibility is to also teach their peers, not just the students. Everyone can learn from anyone; there is no limit. A wonderful person all around, one thing’s for certain: Mrs. Rowena Canceran is a superb teacher and a delightful friend.

Every 5th of October, World Teachers Day is celebrated. Everyone around the world comes together to appreciate all the efforts, sacrifices, and hard work teachers put into their professions. Teachers aren’t just here to educate students; they’re here to connect on an emotional level. Although our educators are keen on reinforcing discipline and education, they still care for us. They are underappreciated, and they deserve to know how important their role is in people’s lives. Happy World Teachers Day to all teachers and teacher figures!