Malate Catholic School participated in the National Earthquake Drill yesterday for the safety and well-being of its students.

Written by: Lorrieza Jhoilyn Punzalan

Layout by: Bernadette Rios Ojo

September 08, 2023 | 5:10 P.M.

On September 7, 2023, Malate Catholic School participated in the National Earthquake Drill. Teachers and students practiced the “duck, cover, and hold” before briskly walking to the Remedios Circle which served as the evacuation site. Students orderly exited the campus according to their assigned exit gates. 

Around 2:05 p.m., the bell rang, then the drill began. Students were told to bring something to protect their heads or wear helmets. The Girls and Boy Scouts of the Philippines escorted them as they made their way to the evacuation area. 

The students eventually reached Remedios Circle with their respective subject teachers during that time. The presidents of each class initiated head counts in order to check if people were missing or left behind. They stayed for approximately 15 minutes before heading back to the campus. The medical staff and police were active during the drill in order to quickly take action if something went wrong. 

The Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake drill was led by the Office of Civil Defense. They announced that the said drill will be done on September 7, 2023, concurrently around the nation at 2:00 p.m. According to their page, Civil Defense PH,  “This activity intends to highlight the readiness of the Filipino people in case a magnitude 7.2 earthquake happens”