As the holy season of Lent begins, Malate Catholic School marks its start by holding a mass for Ash Wednesday on February 14, 2024, at Our Lady of Remedies Parish Church. 

Written by: Adia Dizon Avendaño

Layout by: Bernadette Ojo

February 24, 2024 | 10:23 P.M.

On February 14, 2024, in the Our Lady of Remedies Parish Church, Malateans attended the Ash Wednesday mass following the Season of Lent. 

The mass started at different times per grade level. Grade School and Senior High School students started at 8:30 AM and at 10:00 AM for Junior High School students. 

Rev. Fr. Elpidio "Boy" Biliran Jr., Cluster 8 School’s Director, led the recent mass. In his homily, he reiterates the essence of constant prayer as it draws people closer to God. He said that it is important now for “reflection and repentance in preparation for the celebration of Easter.” 

He then acknowledges the traditional fasting and abstinence Catholics used to observe. He remembers the time when Almsgiving commenced. People, like before, continue to do this to show solidarity with one another, and it remains a practice today.

After the homily, attendees of the mass lined up for the drawing of cross ashes on their foreheads by Rev. Fr. Biliran and other ministers. 

After the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the students immediately went back to the campus for the resumption of classes. 

“Remember, man, that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”