Twenty-two years after the tragic morning of September 11, 2001, we still remember and mourn the fallen, the heroes, and the event that happened that day. Many lives were lost, and many stories were cut short. A painful event for many and yet, the world cruelly marches on. In dedication to the people who served for the public welfare, and those who were victims of such a horrible act, we set aside this day for moments of silence, mourning, and reflection.

Written by: Angelo Joaquin Barras

Layout by: Raven Delos Santos

September 11, 2023 | 2:00 P.M.

The Twin Towers

The first of the attacks was when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into one of the Twin Towers, specifically, the North Tower of the World Trade Center, this sent the entirety of New York into sudden chaos and panic, being worried for their and their families’ lives, worried for their own lives. Following suit, United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower, and the world watched further as terrorism and destruction was the only view New York could witness at that very moment. A massive segment of lower Manhattan was destroyed due to the rubble of the twin towers; in a span of minutes, there was a casualty count of 2,753 lives taken, however, this was not the only place to be attacked by terrorists that day. 

The Pentagon

While the Twin Towers’ destruction had left the whole world focused on it, quietly, there was another hijacking going on in American Airlines Flight 77, and it was headed to the headquarters of the USA’s Department of Defense, the Pentagon. The aircraft crashed into the building at 9:37 AM, causing further chaos within the government and claiming the lives of 189 people, 64 from the plane, and 125 in the Pentagon from that attack alone. The world had already witnessed the disgracing of American soil by terrorists, however, it was far from over, even with three buildings destroyed.

Heroism in Flight 93

In another one of the attacks, there was a different story. United Airlines Flight 93 chose to rebel against the terrorists. A group of passengers boarding the plane fought back against the hijackers, and through their efforts, the destination of the flight had been adjusted. In what was supposed to be an attack on either the United States’ Capitol or The White House, the plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, and although all 44 people perished, the heroism of the passengers to lead an uprising against the terrorists had helped to avoid the loss of more lives, and even the entire government system of the United States of America.

The Aftermath

Locally, many Americans cried for justice and were asking for an answer to this situation, and internationally, the people sympathized with the USA. National and global organizations flocked together to help provide recovery for New York City and the victims. These attacks also sparked the start of the War on Terrorism, an invasion of the Middle East in order to destroy al-Qaeda and the Taliban, the masterminds behind the attacks on New York City. The 2996 lives lost in this event were not just values on a graph, they had lives, dreams, and stories that were cut short by this very brutal act of violence. 

This was a day that shattered the illusion of security, and a day that renewed the world’s view on global conflict, peace, and order. An event etched into the hearts of Americans, this event is commemorated in solemnity, reflection, and silence with respect to the resilience and the indomitable human spirit, even in the face of heavy adversity.