The School Committee wishes to minimize intrusions on the teaching and learning time of students and staff. While there are many worthy activities in the community served by Lewiston Public Schools that are sponsored by various non-profit organizations, the School Committee believes that students should not be used to distribute or carry home flyers, brochures, or other materials that are not directly related to school programs, school curriculum, or school-related activities.

Only the following materials may be distributed to students to be carried home:

A.  Communications from the School Committee, Superintendent, school administrators, and school staff such as newsletters, letters to parents, announcements of meetings or events, school forms, and classroom information;

B.  Information and notices concerning school-sponsored activities and programs for students and/or parents;

C.  Information and notices concerning activities and programs offered by groups affiliated with Lewiston Public Schools, such as parent-teacher organizations and booster groups; and 

D.  Information and notices from municipal, state, and federal agencies concerning programs available to students.

To minimize disruption to classes, the building administrator may limit the frequency with which non-school materials may be sent home with students.

Building administrators may designate a bulletin board or other specific location where notices regarding non-profit community activities or events that may be of interest to students and/or parents may be posted. Any local non-profit group may submit such materials. All materials must include a statement that the activity or program is not affiliated with or endorsed by Lewiston Public Schools.

Materials that interfere with the instructional process or the operations of the schools, that are lewd or obscene, libelous, that are discriminatory or infringe upon the rights of others, prompt illegal activities or are in violation of any School Committee policy will not be posted.

In order to make sufficient space available, building administrators may establish rules for the size of notices/flyers and the length of time they may be posted.

Community materials may not be posted without prior approval of the building administrator.

Cross reference:  KHB-Advertising in the Schools

Adopted: June 7, 2000 

Reviewed: 7/23/13 

Revised: January 8, 2024