Parents, students or other citizens with complaints or concerns regarding any aspect of Lewiston Public Schools, or an employee thereof, shall be encouraged to seek a resolution at the level closest to the problem. Complaints that concern School Committee actions or operations should be addressed to the School Committee Chair. 

If the complaint cannot be resolved at the level closest to the problem, the person initiating the complaint may appeal the decision to the next level (i.e., Principal, Special Education Director, etc.). 

If the complaint cannot be resolved at any lower level, it may be appealed to the Superintendent. If the complaint remains unresolved at the Superintendent’s level, the person making the complaint may request that the matter be placed on the agenda of the next regular School Committee meeting. The Superintendent, in consultation with the School Committee Chair, shall determine whether the complaint should be placed on the agenda. 

At all levels of the complaint process, school employees are required to inform the person making the complaint of their right to appeal the decision to the next level. 

This policy shall not be utilized by employees for matters or grievances relating to any term or condition of their employment. Such matters shall be addressed through established channels for grievances. 

Cross Reference: BEDB – Agenda Preparation and Dissemination 

Adopted: February 25, 2008 

Reviewed: July 23, 2013 

Reviewed: July 20, 2015 

Reviewed: December 27, 2023