Since its founding, the United States has grown from a nation of relatively few religious differences to one of countless religious groups. This expanding pluralism challenges the public schools to deal creatively and sensitively with students who belong to one of many or no religious faiths.

School officials and teachers, as well as parents and students, must approach this challenge as an opportunity to work cooperatively for the sake of good education and good will among people.

In developing guidelines about acknowledgement of religion, Lewiston Public Schools base its policy in the shared commitment of respect for individual religious beliefs expressed in the constitutional guarantee of religious liberty. This means that Lewiston Public Schools may neither promote nor inhibit religious belief or non-belief, so long as expressions of religious belief or non-belief are consistent with school rules and respect the rights of others. Lewiston Public Schools recognize, however, that one of its educational goals is to advance students’ knowledge and appreciation of the role that  religion has played in the social, cultural and historical development of civilization. It would be neither possible nor desirable for our schools simply to ignore religion and navoid all materials with religious theme or implication.

It further recognizes that although awareness of legal issues is essential in considering religion and public education, the law does not supply answers to every question. Within the current legal framework, our schools; the School Committee; administrators; teachers; parents; and students must make many practical decisions regarding religious holidays. This work can be done by showing sensitivity to the needs of every student and by showing a willingness to steer a course between the avoidance of all references to religion on the one hand and the promotion of religion on the other.

The intent of this policy is to articulate guidelines which reflect and balance the academic and instructional mission of our schools, the law and legal guidelines relating to separation of church and state, the richness and diversity of our population and sensitivity to the rights and dignity of the individual.

To achieve the intent of this policy, Lewiston Public Schools will offer to its teaching staff opportunities for professional development which address the law and legal guidelines and the need for sensitivity when dealing with issues of religious beliefs andcustoms and also promote open school/home communications in these matters.


The practice of Lewiston Public Schools shall be as follows:


Religious institutions and orientations are central to human experience, past and present. An education excluding such a significant aspect of human history would be incomplete. It is essential that the teaching about and not of religion be conducted in a factual, objective and respectful manner.

Therefore, the practice of Lewiston Public Schools shall be as follows:

Legal Reference: Title 1 M.R.S.A., Section 111-A-118

Cross Reference: JEA Compulsory Attendance Ages

Adopted: November 18, 2002

Revised: September 14, 2009

Reviewed: September 10, 2012