Adult/community education programs are provided to encourage the adults of the community to pursue educational opportunities. These programs operate with the following goals:

A.  To provide a system of basic education for adults who have less than eighth grade ability levels. This aspect of adult education will concentrate on the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. Instructional programs will also be provided for adults with special needs, as well as for adults needing instruction in English for speakers of other languages;

B.  To provide opportunities for adults to complete high school either by taking courses to complete the required number of credits for graduation or by preparing for and taking the High School Equivalency Test to receive the Adult High School Diploma;

C.  To provide introductory vocational training courses designed to help adults prepare for employment;

D.  To work cooperatively and collaboratively with both Lewiston High School and Lewiston Regional Vocational Center regarding student referrals and curriculum development in the areas of high school completion and vocational programs;

E.  To provide educational programs which are related to the general learning needs and interests of the adult community; and

F.  To work in a cooperative and collaborative manner with other community agencies and organizations concerned with adult education.

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA § 8601 et. seq.

Cross Reference: IHD-R – Adult/Community Education Administrative Procedure

Adopted: June 7, 2000

Revised: June 27, 2005

Reviewed: September 10, 2012

Revised: October 16, 2017