It is the intent of this policy to ensure that employment practices comply with Maine’s “prohibited appointments and employment” statute, 20-A §MRSA 2002 and to avoid favoritism and the appearance of favoritism in employment practices.


For the purpose of this policy:

A.  “Immediate family” means spouse, partner, sibling, parent, or child.

B.  “Administrative supervision” refers to the authority of a person in the position of principal or higher.


It shall be the policy of the School Committee not to employ personnel to the staff of the school unit when the candidate is a member of the immediate family of a School Committee member or of the Superintendent. Immediate family, except spouses, employed by the school unit as of the date of policy adoption, will be excluded from this policy.

By Maine law (20-A MRSA § 1002(2)), a School Committee member’s spouse is precluded from employment under any circumstances in any public school within the jurisdiction of the School Committee to which the member is elected.

Supervision and Evaluation

No person shall be employed in or assigned to a position which is within the administrative supervision of a member of their immediate family, nor in a position in which they are supervised or evaluated, in whole or in part, by a member of their immediate family.

Whenever a member of the immediate family of any employee is hired, the School Committee shall be notified of the relationship.


In extraordinary circumstances, the School Committee may approve an exception to the prohibitions on the employment of immediate family so long as the candidate is qualified for the position to which they have applied, the hiring is in the best interest of the school system and its students, and the candidate is not the spouse of a School Committee member.


Under Maine law (20-A MRSA § 1002(2-A)), a school committee member or a school committee member’s spouse

may not serve as a volunteer when that volunteer has primary responsibility for a curricular, co-curricular, or

extracurricular program or activity and reports directly to the superintendent, principal, athletic director, or other

school administrators within the jurisdiction of the School Committee.

Legal Reference:     20-A MRSA § 1002

Cross Reference:     BCB – School Committee Member Conflict of Interest

GAB – Job Descriptions

GDA – Support Staff Positions

GDGF – Support Staff Employment

IJOC – School Volunteers

Adopted: June 7, 2000

Reviewed: September 12, 2011

Reviewed: November 3, 2014

Reviewed: August 22, 2016

Revised: August 15, 2022