These procedures are established for the purpose of meeting the obligations of  Lewiston Public Schools under state law/regulations and School Committee  Policy JKAA governing the use of physical restraint and seclusion. These procedures shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with state law and regulations.

I. Physical Restraint

To the extent possible, physical restraint will be implemented by staff certified in a training program approved by the Maine Department of Education. If untrained staff have intervened and initiated a physical restraint in an emergency, trained staff must be summoned to the scene to assume control of the situation if the emergency continues.

This procedure does not preclude law enforcement personnel or other first responders from implementing physical restraints consistent with their professional responsibilities.

A. Permitted Uses of Physical Restraint 

B. Prohibited Forms and Uses of Physical Restraint 

∙ A health care directive or medical management plan;  

∙ A school-approved behavior plan;  

∙ An IEP or an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP); or  

∙ A school-approved 504 or ADA plan.  

a.  Aversive procedures are defined as the use of a substance or stimulus, intended to modify behavior, that the person administering it knows or should know is likely to cause physical and/or emotional trauma to a student, even when the substance or stimulus appears to be pleasant or neutral to others. Such substances and stimuli include but are not limited to infliction of bodily pain (e.g., hitting, pinching, slapping); water spray; noxious fumes; extreme physical exercise; costumes, or signs. 

b. Mechanical restraints are defined as any restraint that uses a device to restrict a student’s freedom of movement. Such restraints do not include adaptive devices or mechanical supports to achieve proper body position balance or alignment to allow greater freedom of movement, or the use of vehicle safety restraints when used as intended during the transport of a student in a moving vehicle. 

c.  Chemical restraints are defined as the use of a drug or medication that is not prescribed as the standard treatment of a student’s medical or psychiatric condition by a licensed physician or other qualified health professional acting under the scope of the professional's authority under state law that is used on a student to control behavior or restrict freedom of movement. 

C. Monitoring Students in Physical Restraint 

D. Termination of Physical Restraint 

a. The time a student is in physical restraint must be monitored and recorded. 

b. If physical restraint continues for more than ten (10) minutes, an administrator/designee shall determine whether continued physical restraint is warranted and shall continue to monitor the status of the physical restraint every ten (10) minutes until the restraint is terminated. 

c. If attempts to release a student from physical restraint have been unsuccessful and the student continues to present behaviors that create an imminent risk of serious physical injury to themselves or others, then staff may request additional assistance from other school staff, parents, medical providers, or other appropriate persons or organizations. 

II. Seclusion 

To the extent possible, seclusion will be implemented by staff certified in a training program approved by the Maine Department of Education.  If untrained staff have intervened and initiated seclusion in an emergency, trained staff must be summoned to the scene as soon as possible. 

A “timeout” where a student requests, or complies with an adult's request for, a break is not considered seclusion under this procedure.  Seclusion also does not include any situation where others are present in the room or clearly defined area with the student (including but not limited to classrooms, offices, and other school locations). 

A. Permitted Uses and Location of Seclusion 

a.  Seclusion may not take place in a locked room. 

b.   If a specific room is designated as a seclusion room, it must be a minimum of sixty (60) square feet; have adequate light, heat and ventilation; be of normal room height; contain an unbreakable observation window in a wall or door; and must be free of hazardous material and objects which the student could use to self-inflict bodily injury. 

B. Prohibited Uses of Seclusion 

∙ A health care directive or medical management plan;  

∙ A school-approved behavior plan;  

∙ An IEP or IFSP; or  

∙ A school-approved 504 or ADA plan.  

C. Monitoring Students in Seclusion 

D. Termination of Seclusion 

a. The time a student is in seclusion must be monitored and recorded. 

b. If seclusion continues for more than ten (10) minutes, an administrator/designee shall determine whether continued seclusion is warranted and shall continue to monitor the status of the seclusion every ten (10) minutes until the seclusion is terminated. 

c. If attempts to release a student from seclusion have been unsuccessful and the student continues to present behaviors that create an imminent risk of serious physical injury to themselves or others, then staff may request additional assistance from other school staff, parents, medical providers, or other appropriate persons or organizations. 

III. Notification and Reports of Physical Restraint and Seclusion Incidents 

For the purposes of this procedure, an “incident” consists of all actions between the time a student begins to create an imminent risk of serious physical injury and the time the student ceases to pose that imminent risk and returns to their regular programming. 

A. Notice Requirements 

After each incident of physical restraint or seclusion: 

B. Incident Reports 

Each use of physical restraint or seclusion must be documented in an incident report. The incident report must be completed and provided to an administrator/ designee as soon as practical and in all cases within two (2) school days of the incident. The parent/legal guardian must be provided a copy of the incident report within seven (7) calendar days of the incident. 

The incident report must include the following elements: 

i. Beginning and ending time of each use of seclusion within the incident period;

ii. A detailed description of each use of seclusion within the incident period;

i. Beginning and ending time of each use of physical restraint within the incident period;

ii. A detailed description of each use of physical restraint within the incident period;

Copies of the incident reports shall be maintained in the student’s file and in the school office. 

V. School District Response Following the Use of Physical Restraint or Seclusion 

A. Following each incident of physical restraint or seclusion, an  administrator/designee shall take these steps within two (2) school days (unless serious bodily injury requiring emergency medical treatment occurred, in which case these steps must take place as soon as possible, but no later than the next school day): 

(a) what triggered the student’s escalation and (b) what the student and staff can do to reduce the need for physical restraint and/or seclusion in the future. 

B.  Following the meetings, staff must develop and implement a written plan for response and de-escalation for the student. If a plan already exists, staff must review it and make revisions, if appropriate. For the purposes of this procedure, “de-escalation” is the use of behavior management techniques intended to cause a situation involving problem behavior of    student to become more controlled, calm, and less dangerous, thus reducing the risk of injury or harm. 

V. Procedure for Students after Every Third Incident

The school district will make reasonable, documented efforts to encourage parent/legal guardian participation in the meetings required in this section and to schedule meetings at times convenient for parents/legal guardians to attend. 

A.  Special Education/504 Students 


B.  All Other Students 

VI. Cumulative Reporting Requirements 

A. Reports within the School District

a.  Seclusion:

b. Physical Restraint

B. Superintendent Review of Reports.

C. Reports to Maine Department of Education 

The Superintendent shall submit an annual report to the Maine  Department of Education that includes the information in Section VI.A.1 above. 

Legal Reference: 20-A M.R.S.A. §§ 4014, 4502(5)(M); 4009 Me. DOE Rule., ch. 33  

Cross Reference: JKAA - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion  

                               JK – Student Discipline

                               KLG/KLG-R – Relations with Law Enforcement 

       EBCA – Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

Adopted: October 15, 2012 

Revised: August 19, 2013 

Revised: May 22, 2017 

Revised: December 13, 2021

Revised:  December 4, 2023