The School Committee recognizes that research shows that tobacco continues to be the leading cause of preventable disease and death in Maine and the United States, for both users and those exposed to second-hand smoke. The School Committee is also aware that a growing body of evidence suggests that the chemicals present in the aerosols (“vapor”) produced by electronic smoking devices, may pose significant long-term risks to health, as well as the risk of addiction to nicotine.

The School Committee is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for of students, staff, and visitors to the schools, including members of the community who use school facilities for recreational and other purposes. 

To that end, and in compliance with applicable state and federal laws, all persons are prohibited from smoking and all other use of tobacco products in school buildings and other school unit facilities, on school buses, school vehicles or vehicles leased to schools, and on school grounds at all times. 


For the purpose of this policy:

“Tobacco use” means smoking or the carrying or possession of a tobacco product (22 MRSA §1578-B (1)(D).

“Smoking” includes carrying or having in one’s possession a lighted or heated cigarette, cigar or pipe or heated tobacco or plant product intended for human consumption through inhalation whether natural or synthetic in any manner or any form. “Smoking” includes the use of an electronic smoking device (22 MRSA § 1541(6)).

“Tobacco product” means any product that is made from or derived from tobacco, or that contains nicotine, that is intended for human consumption or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, or ingested by any other means, including but not limited to, a, cigar, hookah, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff or snus. “Tobacco product” also means an electric smoking device and any component or accessory used in the consumption of a tobacco product such as filters, rolling papers, pipes, and liquids used in electronic smoking devices whether or not they contain nicotine (22 MRSA § 1551(3)).

All persons are prohibited from selling, distributing, or dispensing tobacco products to students in school buildings, facilities, and on school grounds or at school-sponsored events at all times. 



The Superintendent/designee(s) shall be responsible for developing age-appropriate disciplinary guidelines for students violating this policy and for employing strategies, as practicable, to address prevention, education, and information about community programs for cessation assistance.


The Superintendent or their designee reserves the right to refer students to a law enforcement agency, on a case-by-case basis, as they may deem necessary.  However, the Superintendent/designee shall refer to a law enforcement agency any student reasonably suspected of selling, dispensing, or distributing tobacco products or vaping devices/products. Parents/guardians will be notified of all violations involving their student and action taken by the school.



School district employees who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal.

Any school unit employee suspected of selling, distributing, or in any way dispensing tobacco products or vaping devices/products to students shall be referred to a law enforcement agency.




All other persons violating this policy, including parents, vendors/contractors, spectators at school events, and other visitors shall be asked to refrain from use and reminded of the School Committee’s policy.  Persons who do not comply will be asked to leave the school grounds. Failure to leave school grounds will be treated as trespassing and law enforcement personnel may be contacted.  Persons suspected of selling, distributing, or in any way dispensing tobacco products or vaping devices/products to students shall be referred to an appropriate law enforcement agency.



The building principal/designee will be responsible for enforcing this policy at the school level.




Notice of this policy and disciplinary consequences for violations will be posted on the school unit’s website and included in the student code of conduct and/or student handbooks and in annual employee communications.


Parents/guardians shall also be notified in writing of the Committee’s policy at the beginning of the school year.


“Tobacco-free campus” signage will be posted in highly visible areas at entrances and on school grounds, including entrances to athletic facilities.




Age-appropriate tobacco/”vaping” prevention and awareness instruction will be incorporated into the school unit’s health curriculum, in alignment with Maine’s system of Learning Results and in support of the school unit’s wellness policy goals, to educate students about the dangers of tobacco and vapor products and to encourage a tobacco and “vape-free” lifestyle.


As feasible, information regarding treatment and cessation resources will be made available to students and school unit employees who want to quit.



Advertising of tobacco products is prohibited in school buildings, on school property, and in school publications.

Legal Reference:     22 MRSA §§ 1541, 1551, 1578B

Me. PL Ch. 61 (2019) (An Act to Prohibit the Possession and Use of Electronic Smoking Devices on School Grounds)

20 USC 6081-6084 (Pro-Children Act of 1994) 

Cross Reference:    JICA – Student Dress

JL – Student Wellness                                

KF – Community Use of School Facilities

KHB – Advertising in the Schools

Adopted: June 7, 2000 

Revised: November 27, 2000 

Revised: February 11, 2008 

Reviewed: September 12, 2011 

Reviewed: November 3, 2014 

Revised: July 20, 2015 

Reviewed: August 22, 2016

Revised: August 14, 2023