A new School Committee member or a member-elect of the school unit shall be afforded the fullest measures of courtesy and cooperation by the School Committee and staff.

Every feasible effort shall be made to assist the new member to become fully informed about the School Committee’s functions, policies, procedures, and current issues.

A.  In the interim between appointment/election and actually assuming office, the new member will be invited to attend meetings and functions of the School Committee and is to receive reports and communications normally sent to School Committee members except for items related to executive sessions or considered confidential.

B.  New members will be encouraged to attend appropriate orientation and School Committee workshops. Activities involving the possible reimbursement of expenses should be cleared first with the School Committee Chairperson or Superintendent.

C.  The new member is to be provided with copies of all appropriate publications and aids, the School Committee policy manual, and publications of the national and state school boards associations including the MSBA Handbook.

D.  An orientation session is to be scheduled and conducted by the Chairperson and the Superintendent for any new School Committee member(s) as soon as practical. Ample time is to be provided for discussion of: 

E.  The School Committee Chairperson and members of the administrative staff will also confer with the new members as necessary on special problems or concerns.

F.  The Superintendent will remind School Committee members of their obligation to complete, not later than the 120th day after the date of taking the oath of office, training on the requirements of Maine’s Freedom of Access Law.  The Superintendent will provide School Committee members with information regarding available training options. Each School Committee member shall attest by means of a written or electronic record that they have completed the training and provide a copy of such record to the Superintendent’s Office. To facilitate documentation of training, the Superintendent will make available to School Committee members copies of the State’s sample Certification of Completion of Freedom of Access Training form. 

Adopted: June 7, 2000

Reviewed: September 12, 2011

Reviewed: November 3, 2014

Reviewed: August 22, 2016

Revised: October 17, 2022