The intent of this policy is to establish the requirements for student enrollment in post secondary courses taken before high school graduation. 

Eligible Institutions 

Students may take courses at eligible post-secondary institutions within Maine, which include the University of Maine System, the Vocational Technical College System, and Maine Maritime Academy. Students are allowed to take courses at private colleges or other institutions, but the school unit cannot include such costs as allowable program costs. 

Student Eligibility Requirements 

A student may take no more than one course per semester and two courses per academic year, without special permission from the building administrator. 

A student must meet the following criteria prior to enrolling in a post-secondary course: 

A.  Have a minimum of a “B” average in their courses overall; 

B.  Meet the course admission standards of the eligible institution; 

C.  Provide evidence of parent/guardian approval for taking the course; and 

D.  Obtain prior approval from the administrator and guidance counselor. 

E.  Extenuating circumstances may be reviewed on an individual basis. 

Exceptions to Eligibility Requirements

A student enrolled in grade 11 or 12 who does not meet the “B” average in their courses overall is eligible to take a post-secondary course provided they:

A.  Have been assessed and received a recommendation to take the course from the school administration; and

B.  Have been approved for participation in the course by the eligible institution.

Awarding of Credits 

The eligible institution shall grant full credit to any student who successfully completes a course. 

High school graduation credit for a course taken under this policy shall be awarded as follows: 

A.  The course must meet for a minimum of one semester.

B.  The student must earn a passing grade in the course.

C.  Attendance must satisfy the instructor’s requirements.

D.  f the above criteria are met, the student shall receive credits.

Financial Assistance

A.  The Maine Department of Education shall pay applicable tuition costs for any student enrolled in a course under this policy if the eligible institution requires tuition payment.

B.  The student and their parent/guardian are responsible for paying for all textbooks, course fees and transportation costs.

School Unit Reporting Requirements

The Superintendent shall ensure that information concerning post-secondary enrollment options is made available to parents and students.

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA § 4771 et seq.

Revised: December 4, 2023