Extra-curricular activities can be a very important dimension of a student’s education. The main purpose of the programs at Lewiston High School is to insist on continued academic growth for all students. Lewiston High School will require a minimum level of academic success as a standard for participation in extra-curricular activities. 

Participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege. 

The focus of the eligibility policy is to set a clear standard that supports adequate yearly progress towards graduation and establishes the need for responsible civil, social, and academic behaviors and outcomes by students. The goal of the policy is to support the position of the school that academic success and successful work habits are the priority in determining eligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities. 

The eligibility policy for extra-curricular activities includes any activity that competes under MPA guidelines or represents the school in competitions, performances, and contests which include but are not limited to the following: 

1. Initial Eligibility 

In order to be considered for initial eligibility prior to each season, the student must have: 

a) Successfully met the academic requirements set by Lewiston High School during the previous ranking quarter. 


Prior to the Fall Season: 

Must be promoted/assigned from 8th grade 

Prior to the Winter/Spring Season: Must pass Five Courses 

Winter Season – Based on Final 1st Quarter Grades  

Spring Season – Based on Final 3rd Quarter Grades 

Sophomores:   Must pass a minimum number of courses 

Prior to the Fall Season: Must pass Five Courses 

Fall Season – Based on 4th Quarter of the Previous Year

Prior to the Winter/Spring Season: Must pass six courses 

Winter Season – Based on Final 1st Quarter Grades 

Spring Season – Based on Final 3rd Quarter Grades 

Juniors & Seniors: Prior to all seasons: Must pass six courses 

Fall Season – Based on 4th Quarter of the Previous 

Winter Season – Based on Final 1st Quarter Grades 

Spring Season – Based on Final 3rd Quarter Grades 

b) Be on track for graduation as established by the accumulated credits identified below: 

1st year (To be a Freshman): Must be promoted/assigned from 8th grade 2nd year (To be a Sophomore): Five total credits 

3rd year (To be a Junior: Ten total credits 

4th year (To be a Senior): Sixteen total credits 


These standards must be met prior to a student participating, trying out, or competing on any Lewiston High School extra-curricular activity. Students who are initially ineligible are ineligible for the entire season. 

Students who are not transferring from a United States school or have transcripts requiring an audit will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by Administration to determine their eligibility. 

2. Continuing Eligibility Requirements: 

In order to remain eligible, during a competitive or performing season, the student must be passing the minimum number of courses required by Lewiston High School at the set eligibility check date (once a season): 

Freshman: Must pass five courses, 

Sophomore: Must pass six courses 

Junior: Must pass six courses 

Senior: Must pass six courses 

Eligibility will always be checked on a Tuesday. On the date of eligibility checks, any student not meeting the eligibility policy will have until Friday at 3 pm of that week to correct any failing courses and update their eligibility status. 

Students who fail to correct their eligibility status will become ineligible on the following Monday. Ineligible students will be given another 5 school days to update their eligibility status. Those students who are still ineligible at 3 pm on Friday will be ineligible for the remainder of the season. 

Students who are able to remediate their academic performance are able to return to their teams immediately once they are passing the minimum number of courses. 

CREDIT INCENTIVE: Any student (Sophomore-Senior) that starts a season with 3 or more credits over the minimum number of credit to be considered on track for graduation as established earlier in this policy will only need to pass 5 courses at the continuing eligibility check midway through a season. 

3. Continuing Eligibility Check Dates: (Dates set annually) 

Fall Season: Based on 1st Quarter Progress Grades 

Winter Season: Based on Final 2nd Quarter Grades or Semester 1 Grades

Spring Season: Based on 4th Quarter Progress Grades or Semester 2 Grades

4. Appeals/Review

All appeals will be directed and submitted to the Lewiston High School Principal for review and action. 

Transfer Students 

For students who transfer into the district, academic eligibility will be determined by the Principal and Athletic Director and will be based on the last reported grades earned during the previous grading period at the student’s sending school and criteria that exists within this policy. 


For the purposes of determining initial and in-season eligibility, all courses taken will be considered in determining if the student has met the prescribed standard. The following conditions apply: 

1. Dropped Courses: .For the purposes of determining eligibility, courses identified as dropped will be considered as failing regardless of the student’s academic standing at the time of withdrawal. 

2. Independent Study: Courses taken through independent study will be counted for the purposes of eligibility. 

3. Flex: Flex does not count as a course for the purposes of eligibility. 

4. Online Coursework, Approved Correspondence, or Credit Arrangements Outside the Lewiston High School Curriculum: These courses will be counted for the purpose of eligibility. Online courses or courses taken for credit recovery will count for establishing initial eligibility. 

5. Early College: Early college courses, approved for dual enrollment credit purposes will be counted as eligibility. Students enrolled in early college courses will be responsible for submitting pass/fail verification signed by the college instructor on the identified date. 

6. Home-Schooled Students: Home-schooled students must be in an approved instruction program as outlined in Maine Law, Chapter 211, Subchapters 1 and 1A and must meet all requirements of Lewiston High School. Home-school students will be responsible for submitting pass/fail verification signed by the home-school educator on the identified dates. 

7. Out-of-District Placements: Students attending Lewiston High School as an out of-district placement must meet all requirements of the Lewiston High School and Maine Principals’ Association eligibility policies. 

8. Other: The Lewiston High School principal will make a determination on the applicability of any additional credit coursework not specifically determined under this policy. 


Reviewed: July 20, 2015 

Reviewed: July 17, 2017 

Revised: August 21, 2017 

Revised: July 15, 2024